- All are welcome to attend the Martin Luther King Jr. Day event from 3 to 5 p.m. on Jan. 20, “Remembering His Life, Renewing His Legacy." Featured will be a reception and conversations about King, followed by a community celebration.
- The CU Wizards program presents free monthly shows that entertain and inform children about the wonders of science.
- The University of Colorado Law School will host a field hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law on Friday, Jan. 17. The hearing will address online platforms and market power.
- What better way to kick off a new year than by having fun with hundreds of fellow Buffs? CU Night includes discounted rodeo tickets and all-day free access.
- The CRC is a network of faculty, staff and students that links diverse initiatives across campus related to contemplative practices. Check out upcoming offerings in mindfulness, pedagogy, meditation and art.
- Winter 2019 school, college, department and program ceremonies are taking place Dec. 19 and 20. Get details.
- Interested in the constellations you can see this time of year? With Fiske Planetarium, explore stars, planets, constellations and deep-sky objects such as galaxies and nebulae via a star projector producing a stunning night sky with 10 million stars.
- Enjoy free admission, live music, food and drinks, and 125 curated artisans at the Firefly Handmade Holiday Market this weekend, hosted by Program Council. Plus, enter a giveaway to see The Polish Ambassador in concert this month.
- Join Wardenburg Health Center for a free open house Dec. 19. Explore the renovation and remodel of Wardenburg, and learn about the programs and services offered in the clinics. Light food and drinks will be provided.
- The Engineering Plus Program is hosting the 25th anniversary of the Engineering Design Expo, showcasing projects from over 500 students.