Student Life
Discover the many opportunities to get involved, meet new people and enjoy campus life. Make the most of your college experience by engaging in all ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½Æƽâ°æÏÂÔØ has to offer.
Support and guidance
At some point, we all encounter situations we’re unsure how to handle. Find the help you need.
- Disagreeing with a roommate, friend, significant other or family member? Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution can provide tips and recommendations on how to manage conflict.
- Trying to determine your next step but unsure where to go from here? Student Support and Case Management can connect you with resources and help you figure out your next step.
- Needing accommodations so you can perform your best? Get connected to Disability Services.
- Not quite grasping that concept in class? The Academic Success and Achievement Program provides free tutoring for students living on campus and first-year commuter students.
- Feeling depressed or anxious? Counseling and Psychiatric Services offers counseling, workshops, groups and more to support emotional health and well-being.
- Experienced something traumatic, and you’re not sure what to do? The Office of Victim Assistance is a great place to understand better what happened.
- Need legal advice? Start with CU Student Legal Services.