**The 2018 deadline for this opportunity has passed or the internal application slot has been granted. Updated information will be posted when the next funding cycle opens.**

Program Summary

DOE announces its interest in receiving applications from single investigator or small groups of investigators for support of experimental and theoretical efforts to advance materials and chemical sciences research for quantum information sciences (QIS). This funding opportunity supports fundamental research for public benefit in materials and chemical sciences to advance our understanding of quantum phenomena in systems that could be used for QIS, and the use of quantum computing in chemical and materials sciences research. Applications must focus on the Priority Research Opportunities for experimental and theoretical research identified in the BES Roundtable Reports, “” or “.” Applications must clearly articulate how the proposed research addresses the new scientific opportunities articulated in these Roundtable Reports.


Internal Competition Deadline: 11:59pm MST April 19, 2018

DOE Letter of Intent Deadline: 3:00pm MST May 3, 2018

DOE Application Deadline: 3:00pm MST May 24, 2018

Internal Application Requirements (all in PDF format)

  • Up to 2-page project narrative: include a description of the proposed research and proposed methods of accomplishment.
  • Up to 1-page budget overview: a basic budget outlining project costs is sufficient; detailed OCG budgets are not required.

To access the online application, visit:


Multi-institutional team applications should be submitted by a single, lead institution. Collaborative proposals submitted in parallel by multiple institutions will NOT be accepted for this FOA.

The designated lead organization must perform a greater percentage of the effort than any other partner organization or subawardee.

Limited Submission Guidelines

An entity may submit only two letters of intent as the lead organization, and as a result, may submit only two applications.

Only one letter of intent and one application is to be submitted for each team.

Award Information and Duration

Award Amount: $150,000 (award floor) to $1,500,000 (award ceiling)

Number of Awards: Up to 30

Project Period: Up to three years as appropriate for the proposed scope.