Live Faculty Talks
Join us for unique and thought provokinglive talks throughout the year.
The University of Colorado at Boulder is a Tier 1 research university and employs many of the world's expert scientists.
This lecture series provides a great opportunity to hear from these leading researchers about their work andthe impacton the scientific communityand our society as a whole.
These are a part ofour regular talk series. Regular ticket prices apply.
Ҵýƽ students are admitted FREE on THURSDAY NIGHT TALKS with valid Buff OneCard.
Upcoming Live Faculty Talks

FEBRUARY 27 & 28 at 7PM
Everything glows. Everything emits light. Stars and light bulbs emit visible light we can see with our eyes; planets and people emit infrared light that can be felt as heat or seen with infrared cameras. In this talk, we will explore how astronomers use all kinds of light to observe planets orbiting other stars. These “exoplanets” are so distant they will never appear as anything more than mere twinkling points of light in the sky. Yet, with careful observations we can find them, measure the color of their sunsets, feel the heat emanating from their surfaces, determine the composition of their atmospheres, and maybe eventually search them for photosynthetic alien life. Join us for a friendly tour of some of the weird planets out there in the Universe and a celebration of the ways modern exoplanet science makes use of phenomena most people can experience on Earth: light, color, rainbows, eclipses, and curiosity.
is an astronomy professor in the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. He uses large and small telescopes, both on the ground and in space, to discover exoplanets orbiting other stars and to observe their atmospheres, using exoplanets as laboratories to understand the processes that sculpt planetary evolution and building careful steps toward eventually determining whether life exists outside the Solar System.
Zach grew up as the son of two ceramic artists in Michigan, he studied with caring astronomers at Princeton, Harvard, and MIT, and he settled as a professor in Colorado in 2016. He leads a team of researchers and teaches students to practice using curiosity, creativity, coding, and kindness to learn more about how worlds work. Beyond astronomy, he enjoys yarn crafts, hiking with toddlers, and plants.

Watch this space for more amazing talks at Fiske.