What’s New on the FRPA This Year


For FRPA 2024, the deadline to submit your report to your primary unit via FRPA Online is February 1, 2025. FRPA Online is available through your MyCUInfo portal.

Database Closure Date
The FRPA 2024data set will be frozen as of June 1, 2025. No additions or revisions to the 2024 FRPA are possible after May 31, 2025.

CU Experts Updates
Updates to your CU Experts profile can be made year-round. This includes the Vita, Profile Name, Photo,International, Research, Online Presence, and Media Expertise sections in FRPA Online.

Getting Started

There are three ways to access FRPA Online:

  1. Log in to using your campus IdentiKey credentials. From the “CU Resources” or "Reporting & Compliance" tab, click the tile for “Faculty Reporting & DEPA.” Click the “Login to FRPA Online” button.


  2. FRPA Online can also be accessed directly at


  3. FRPA Online can also be accessed with your FRPA-specific logincredentials at

Staff needing to access an individual faculty member's report on their behalf, please use access method #3 listed above. You will need to first enter your own campus IdentiKey credentials when prompted on the Ҵýƽ Federated Identity Service page.

On the subsequent page, enter the faculty member's FRPA-specific login credentials. If the faculty member does not know their FRPA-specific login credentials, please have them contact the Faculty Data & Impact Team at the Office of Faculty Affairs by emailingofafacultydata@colorado.edu

Visit your Ҵýƽ Elements (CUBE) account to enter most Scholarly Works and all Creative Works. You may log in directly to CUBE using your campus IdentiKey credentials at

Once you’ve completed each section of your report, navigate to the "View/Print FRPA" menu item to review your full FRPA. When you are satisfied with your report, scroll to the bottom of the left menu and click “Finish Your FRPA.” Click the “Complete & Release” button, select your unit(s) from the list, and click the “Finish Complete & Release” button.

Note: Should you make modifications to your FRPA after the initial submission, you will need to complete and re-release the updated report to your unit.

Updates to FRPA Online

FRPA Online has been updated ahead of the 2024 reporting cycle to improve the user experience. These updates include a more intuitive experience and distinct steps to guide users through the process.Notable improvements include:

  • A progress summary added to the homepage, enabling users to track their FRPA completion status at a glance;

  • Section descriptions to clarify the process of updating the user profile, entering FRPA activities, and finishing the FRPA;

  • Summary tiles under the “Enter FRPA Activities” section provide brief definitions for each activity category along with counts of activity records entered;

  • Integration of a WYSIWYG text editor for activity descriptions and comments, allowing for easier formatting and clarity; and

  • Expanded functionality for the “Copy from Last Year” feature, which now includes all Outreach and DEI details as entered previously.

These updates aim to streamline the FRPA process and enhance the overall user experience. If you have questions about the FRPA, please contact the Faculty Data & Impact Team in the Office of Faculty Affairs atofafacultydata@colorado.edu.

Other Changes

The following changes also have been made to FRPA 2024:

  • “Robotics” has been added to the list of units the FRPA can be released to;

  • Users can directly release their FRPA to their respective school or college;

  • All activity description fields now have a consistent limit of 1,800 characters; and

  • The code 299 Pandemic Activity Summary has been deactivated, as it was introduced during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to document pandemic-related disruptions or activities. Users are encouraged to use the code 201 Annual Activity Summary to provide a narrative of their key accomplishments, challenges, and contributions, including any ongoing impacts from the pandemic that remain relevant to their work.

Help and Online Resources

For questions regarding:

  • FRPA codes, policy, deadlines, or Ҵýƽ Elements (CUBE) assistance, please contact the Faculty Data & Impact Team in the Office of Faculty Affairs atofafacultydata@colorado.edu
  • Accessing FRPA Online through MyCUInfo, please contact the Ҵýƽ OIT Service Center at 303-735-HELP or help@colorado.edu

Online resources:

  • FRPA Information, including help and FAQs: /fis/frpa
  • Ҵýƽ Elements (CUBE) Information, including quick start guides: /fis/CUBE