Instructor/Scholar in Residence Evaluation
Annual Evaluation
Part-time and full-time Instructors, Senior Instructors, Principal Instructors, and Scholars in Residence are to be evaluated on an annual basis during the same cycle as tenure-track faculty. These faculty members are expected to complete the Faculty Report of Professional Activities (FRPA). The Department Chair, Program Director, or Faculty Evaluation Committee of the primary unit does a performance evaluation of the faculty member in each workload area (primarily teaching, though some instructors may also have research and/or service responsibilities), resulting in an overall score and rating (fails to meet expectations, below expectations, meets expectations, exceeds expectations, or outstanding). In addition to scores on the Faculty Course Questionnaire, multiple other measures of teaching should be included, such as student comments, peer observation, non-classroom teaching and outreach, scholarly educational work, course or curriculum development, course syllabus, etc. The Deans then review the evaluation. If the annual evaluation is not “meets expectations” or above, then the faculty member must complete a performance improvement plan, approved by the Chair or Director, for the appointment to be continued or renewed.