Documentation Guidelines for Housing, Dining and Parking/Transportation Accommodations

Disability Services is committed to providing accommodations and services to students with disabilities to ensure a comprehensively accessible university experience where they have equal access to programs, opportunities and activities as all others. We engage in an interactive process with each registered and requesting student and review requests for accommodations on an individualized basis. In determining reasonable accommodations, we consider each student’s condition(s), history, experience, request, and the specific characteristics of each CU course and program. Please note that all housing assignments are completed by University Housing and they will assign you to housing based on:

  • Your approved housing accommodations, if any.
  • Preferences listed on your housing application, to the extent they are able.

While a student’s self-report is a vital source of information, in order to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations, we may require additional information from other sources in order to establish a disability and the impact it has on a student’s living in a post-secondary environment. Documentation can assist Disability Services in understanding how a disability may impact a student in the residential environment as well as assist in making informed decisions about reasonable accommodations. Even in cases where a disability is obvious and no documentation for a diagnosis is sought by Disability Services, a medical provider’s analysis of the individual’s functional limitations and individual needs of the student may still be requested to help Disability Services assess the reasonableness of the requested accommodation.

Although many different types of disability-related documentation may be acceptable, for your convenience you may ask your medical provider to complete our Disability Verification Form. The physician/therapist must be an impartial third party, not related by blood or marriage.

Examples of different types of disability-related documentation:

  • Letter from a qualified healthcare professional, on letterhead which confirms a diagnosis/impact of the disability.
  • Neuropsychological evaluation.
  • Audiology report.
  • Vision assessment.

Documentation should include the following when applicable:

  • Name and title.
  • Professional credentials.
  • License number.
  • Date of report.
  • Letterhead.
  • Impact of the condition (history, functional limitations, etc.).
  • Signature.

This is not an exhaustive list and Disability Services may request additional documentation or other information in order to address the connection between the impact of the disability, the described barrier and the requested accommodation. The date of the documentation should be within the last 3-5 years for disabilities that may be transitory in nature, such as ADHD, learning disabilities and mental health disorders. During the interactive process, Disability Services will evaluate the specific attributes and requirements of the course, program or activity.

Establishing a disability and impact

The following guiding questions can help your healthcare provider or other qualified medical professional understand what information is needed for your accommodation requests. Generally, all submitted documentation, support letters and/or Disability Verification Form should establish the following:

  • Clearly state that the individual meets the definition of having a disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended (2008) and Fair Housing Act:
    • The condition is a physical or mental impairment that limits or substantially limits one or more major life activities.
    • The individual has a recorded history of having an impairment that limits or substantially limits one or more major life activities.
    • The individual is regarded as having a disability.
  • Explain the relationship between the functional limitations associated with the disability, the need for the requested accommodation, and how the accommodation will afford an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University Housing:
    • Third parties must present the justification (why and how) for any recommended accommodation and/or modification to University-owned housing rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations are necessary to afford such a person (with a disability) an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University Housing.
    • Words such as “necessary,” “essential,” or “prescribed” should be used if applicable to describe the individual’s need for the requested accommodation.
  • To show that the requested accommodation may be necessary, there must be an identifiable relationship between the requested accommodation and the individual’s disability. Have your healthcare provider complete our Disability Verification Form in detail, or answer the following:
    • The student is requesting accommodations due to a disability. Please describe the functional limitations they experience that impact their ability to use and enjoy University-owned housing.
    • What symptoms impact the student’s ability to use and enjoy University-owned housing?
    • What are the triggers of the symptoms?
    • What is the frequency of the symptoms?
    • How long do the symptoms persist once they begin?
    • Please describe how severe the symptoms are.
    • Accommodations are granted if necessary to afford the individual the same opportunity as others to use and enjoy their housing. Please explain how the requested accommodation(s) are necessary to afford the student the same opportunity as others to use and enjoy University-owned housing.

Contact their Housing Access Coordinator or for additional information on how to demonstrate a disability-related need for housing, dining and parking/transportation accommodations.

How to submit documentation

You can submit documentation in any of the following ways before, during or after your initial Access Meeting:

Students with no documentation

Disability Services can work with students who have never been formally diagnosed with a disability or cannot afford to get documentation. We recommend these students schedule an Information Session with one of our Access Coordinators to discuss their specific situation, explore options for support, and identify options to move forward with obtaining documentation.

The Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) and confidentiality of records

Disability-related information is treated as private information, meaning that information will be shared only with a limited number of individuals who “need to know” in order to assist in the review of the accommodation request, the determination and the implementation of accommodation(s) where applicable.

Provisions of the Family Education Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) govern access to a student’s educational records. Disability Services information and records are available to university officials or offices with a “legitimate educational interest” under FERPA. For example, certain persons may need to be aware of requested accommodations, an individual’s limitations leading to the need for an accommodation and/or the outcome of accommodation decisions. These persons can include, but are not limited to faculty members, first aid and safety personnel, residential staff and those assisting with implementing accommodations.

General disability-related information is distinguished from confidential medical information obtained from individuals and/or their medical providers regarding specific diagnosis(es). Disability Services is involved in gathering and maintaining confidential medical information for purposes of evaluating and determining accommodations and receiving specific training and guidance about safeguarding this confidential information in accordance with applicable laws. Confidential information is not shared by Disability Services with faculty members, parents, residential staff, academic advisors or other campus personnel without express permission of the individual or as other permitted or required by law.