
Conference Hosting Committee

The conference is planned and coordinated through a joint effort of host and sponsoring institutions as well as other NAWEA members, including:

Scientific Program Committee

The committee organizing the tracks and reviewing abstracts for the conference includes:

  • (Co-Lead) Kelsey Shaler, Shell
  • (Co-Lead) Michelle Williams, Sandia National Laboratories

Airborne Wind

  • (Lead) Jochem Weber, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Atmospheric Sciences 

  • (Co-Lead) Larry Berg, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • (Co-Lead) Yelena Pichugina, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Sandrine Aubrun, Centrale Nantes
  • Tanmoy Chatterjee, General Electric
  • Lawrence Cheung, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Matt Churchfield, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Blade Design & Manufacturing

  • (Co-Lead) Srinivas Guntur, Siemens Gamesa
  • (Co-Lead) Josh Paquette, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Todd Griffith, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Brent Houchens, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Robynne Murray, National Renewable Energy Laboratory


  • (Co-Lead) Eric Simley, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • (Co-Lead) Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Delft University of Technology
  • Dan Houck, Sandia National Laboratories

Digitalization, AI, Machine Learning

  • (Co-lead) Nikolay Dimitrov (DTU)
  • (Co-lead) Jason Fields, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Carlo Bottasso, Technical University of Munich

Distributed Wind

  • (Co-Lead) Myra Blaylock, Sandia National Laboratories
  • (Co-Lead) Brent Summerville, National Renewable Energy Laboratory 
  • Trudy Forsyth, Wind Advisors Team
  • Brent Houchens, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Alice Orrell, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Robert Preus, Advanced Renewable Technology
  • Lindsay Sheridan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • David Wood, University of Calgary


  • (Co-Lead) Suhas Pol, Texas Tech University
  • (Co-Lead) Susan Stewart, Pennsylvania State University
  • Brent Houchens, Sandia National Laboratories


  • (Co-Lead) Amanda Hale, Western EcoSystems Technology
  • (Co-Lead) Bethany Straw, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Paul Cryan, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Robb Diehl, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Cris Hein, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Manuela Huso, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Eliot Quon, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Lief Wiechman, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Brita Woeck, Orsted

Experiments and Instrumentation

  • (Co-Lead) Raúl Cal, Portland State University
  • (Co-Lead) David Maniaci, Sandia National Laboratory
  • Sandrine Aubrun, Centrale Nantes
  • Ben Hallissy, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Nicholas Hamilton, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Extreme Weather

  • (Co-Lead) Georgios Deskos, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • (Co-Lead) Brian Hirth, Texas Tech University
  • Matt Churchfield, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Lance Manuel, University of Texas at Austin

Floating Wind Systems

  • (Co-Lead) Roger Bergua, National Renewable Energy Laboratory 
  • (Co-Lead) Matt Lackner, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Sandrine Aubrun, Centrale Nantes
  • Lucas Carmo, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Lu Wang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Grid Integration

  • (Co-Lead) Omid Beik, North Dakota State University
  • (Co-Lead) Venkata Yaramasu, Northern Arizona University
  • Mukund Patel, United States Merchant Marine Academy

Hybrids and Power to X

  • (Co-Lead) Chris Bay, National Renewable Energy Laboratory 
  • (Co-Lead) PJ Stanley, Shell

Novel Concepts

  • (Co-Lead) Pietro Bortolotti, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • (Co-Lead) Eric Loth, University of Virginia
  • Dan Houck, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Carlos Simão Ferreira, Delft University of Technology

Ocean Sciences

  • (Co-Lead) Cristina Archer, University of Delaware
  • (Co-Lead) Caroline Draxl, National Renewable Energy Laboratory 
  • Lance Manuel, University of Texas at Austin

Offshore Infrastructure, Supply Chain, and Policy

  • (Co-Lead) Patrick Gilman, U.S. Department of Energy
  • (Co-Lead) Matt Shields, National Renewable Energy Laboratory 
  • Maeve Bartlett (Department of Transportation)
  • Alison Bates, Colby College
  • Eric Hines (Tufts University)
  • Willett Kempton (University of Delaware)

Reliability, Operations, and Maintenance

  • (Co-Lead) Rupp Carriveau, University of Windsor
  • (Co-Lead) Yi Guo, Technical University of Denmark
  • Lance Manuel, University of Texas at Austin

Rotor Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity

  • (Co-Lead) Jason Jonkman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • (Co-Lead) Chris Kelley, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Tanmoy Chatterjee, General Electric
  • Lawrence Cheung, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Todd Griffith, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Carlos Simão Ferreira, Delft University of Technology

Social Science

  • (Co-Lead) Suzanne MacDonald, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • (Co-Lead) David Rudolph, Technical University of Denmark
  • Carol Atkinson-Palombo, University of Connecticut
  • Chloe Constant, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Ben Hoen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Joe Rand, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Systems Engineering

  • (Co-Lead) Andrew Ning, Brigham Young University
  • (Co-Lead) Frederik Zahle, Technical University of Denmark
  • Carlo Bottasso, Technical University of Munich

Wind Plant and Wakes Modeling

  • (Co-Lead) Alan Hsieh, Sandia National Laboratories
  • (Co-Lead) Michael Stoellinger, University of Wyoming
  • Ken Brown, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Tanmoy Chatterjee, General Electric
  • Lawrence Cheung, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Matt Churchfield, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Nate deVelder, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Carlos Simão Ferreira, Delft University of Technology
  • Dan Houck, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Colleen Kaul, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Andrew Kirby, University of Wyoming
  • Ryan Scott, Portland State University
  • Ganesh Vijayakumar, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Graduate Student Symposium Committee

The committee organizing the Graduate Student SymposiumÌý¾±²Ô³¦±ô³Ü»å±ð²õ:

NAWEA Committee

The North American Wind Energy Academy (NAWEA), which organizes the conference, also has a committee. .