Personnel Calendar
Within the College of Arts and Sciences, there is a recommended timeline for all things personnel:
- Regent and Provost personnel action approvals received from Faculty Affairs.
- Faculty Affairs Manager sends reports to @all_prgmcoord email list.
- January 2: Promotion to Full Professor dossiers due to Personnel Committee Liaison.
- Faculty retention offer season starts.
- Faculty Affairs Coordinators communicate Deans’ reappointment decisions with units.
- Differentiated workloads due for Teaching Associate Professors and Teaching Professors for upcoming Fall Semester.
- Chair/Director Narratives are due.
- Merit increases take effect.
- February 1: FRPAs due to Faculty Affairs.
- ¹ó±ð²ú°ù³Ü²¹°ù²âÌý1: Mandatory tenure track reviews due to Faculty Affairs from Personnel Committee Liaison.
- February 1: Units will send HRSC Spreadsheet to to draft Non-TT Reappointment letters.
- March 1:Â Professor of Distinction nominations due to Personnel Committee Liaison.
- March 15: Funding and Hiring proposals due to with cc: to divisional dean, per email specifications sent by Dean’s Office to Chairs and Directors.
- Faculty Affairs Coordinators reminds departments of need for chair/director, associate chair/faculty director appointments.
- Departments begin working on Spring hiring proposals.
- Prepare for Classified staff performance evaluations (the cycle is 4/1-3/31).
- Confirmed Preliminary merit rosters due back to the Arts and Sciences Budget Office.
- April 1: Units may begin sending faculty administrative appointments for the next AY.
- April 1: A list of faculty members up for Post Tenure Review in the upcoming cycle is sent to department chairs and program coordinators for confirmation. Â Â
- April 1: Sabbatical Leave Reports due for sabbaticals taken in the fall semester or calendar year.
- April 7: Units may begin sending Summer Session Appointments.
- April 15: Deadline for departments to confirm/correct list for next cycle. Â
- April 16:Â Faculty performance evaluations forms due to Director of Faculty Affairs.
- Instructor reappointment notification sent to units (late April) from Faculty Affairs Manager.
- Preliminary faculty Merit Allocation spreadsheet sent from Dean’s Budget Office to departments.
- First batch of sabbatical applications that have been approved by Board of Regents it sent to units as part of the April Regent Report of Personnel Actions (not all sabbaticals approved during this batch).
- May 1: Post-tenure reviews due to Personnel Committee Liaison.
- May 18: New Classified Staff performance plans due to Dean’s Office Human Resources Manager.
- Complete Merit Allocation spreadsheet and return to Director of Faculty Affairs and Director of Staff Affairs.
- Faculty Affairs Coordinators ensure all instructor reappointment contracts have been submitted.
- Staff Affairs will send reminders for the upcoming end to the evaluation cycle for classified and university staff.
- Training session provided by Faculty Affairs Manager: Tenure-track faculty recruitment process.
- Departments notified of College-level approvals for Spring hiring proposals.
- Second batch of sabbatical applications that have been approved by Board of Regents is sent to units as part of the April Regent Report of Personnel Actions (all remaining sabbaticals approved during this batch).
- CAS Faculty Affairs Manager completes drafting all new chair/director contracts.
- Faculty Administrative appointments due to
- Post Tenure Review Summary Report is sent by the A&S Faculty Affairs to the Office of Faculty Affairs for current cycle. Â
- May 30:Â End of the evaluation cycle for classified and university staff.
- July 1: Post-Tenure Review summary due to Faculty Affairs from Personnel Committee Liaison.
- July 1: All chair/director Fiscal Year appointments begin.
- July 1: Start of the new performance management cycle for classified and university staff.
- CAS - Faculty Affairs sends Spring hiring proposals to Provost by mid-July.
- Sabbatical approvals sent to Human Resources Service Center for entry into payroll system by CAS Budget Office.
- August 1: Fall temporary faculty offer letters must be completed.
- August 1:Â Evaluations are due to Staff Affairs for both classified and university staff.
- Teaching replacement spreadsheet sent to departments from deans for completion.
- Hiring plans and reporting approved by Provost in early August.
- Units notified by CAS - Faculty Affairs to start faculty recruitment for next Academic Year in coordination with Faculty Affairs Liaison and assigned Human Resources Recruitment Coordinator.
- Post Tenure Review summary due to Faculty Affairs by Personnel Committee Liaison.
- Recruitment Authorization Forms completed by Director of Faculty Affairs and sent to units.
- September 1:Â New Plans are due to Staff Affairs for classified and university staff.
- Notice of Sabbatical Eligibility sent to faculty members by Faculty Affairs Coordinators.
- New Chair and Director training provided by CAS – Faculty Affairs.
- Differentiated workloads due for Teaching Associate Professors and Teaching Professors for upcoming Spring Semester.
- October 1: Sabbatical applications due to Faculty Affairs Coordinator.
- October 1: Comprehensive review dossiers due to Personnel Committee Liaison.
- Call for Distinguished Professor nominations from Provost’s office.
- Training session provided by Faculty Affairs Manager: Regular faculty offer letter processes (instructor through full professor).
- ±·´Ç±¹±ð³¾²ú±ð°ùÌý1: College Scholar Award proposals due to Faculty Affairs Coordinator.
- November 1: Promotion to Associate dossiers due to the Faculty Development Coordinator.
- November 1: Instructor Reappointment dossiers due to Faculty Development Coordinator.
- Post Tenure Review list sent to departments for review by Faculty Development Coordinator.
- Spring contracts for temporary positions.
- December 1: Spring temporary offer letters must be completed.
- December 15: Begin submitting Promotion to Full Professor dossiers to Personnel Committee Liaison.
- College Scholar Awardees are notified by Faculty Affairs Coordinator.
- Units begin drafting new hire offer letters for Tenure Tenure-Track Faculty per approved hiring plans.