Weightless Integrated Instrument for Ground-based-deployable Laboratory Sensor (WIIGLS)

Description: In the study of deployable space structures, it is vital to experimentally characterize all aspects of the deployment dynamics in order to reduce risk when unfolding on-orbit. There is a need for accurate, swappable, low-cost sensors that can measure the dynamics of these panels in situ without extravagant cost or complexity. WIIGLS' mission is to create a compact, modular sensor suite to characterize the dynamic motion of a ground-based, deployable panel structure.

Sponsor:Dr. Francisco López Jiménez

Team Members: Olivia Epstein (PM), Alex Bergemann, Anabel De Montebello, Ceu Gomez-Faulk, Vicky Lopez, Matthew Pabin, Madison Ritsch, Gerardo Romero, Tristan Workman

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