Published: March 7, 2019

The Arts and Sciences Honors Program Distinguished Lecture Series presents atalk by Associate Professor Anna Spain Bradley on “Revitalizing America's Human Rights Movement” onMarch 14.

If you go

Who: Open to the public
³󲹳:“Revitalizing America's Human Rights Movement”
When: Thursday, March 14, 6:30 p.m.
Where: Eaton Humanities, Room 125

Her talk will discuss recent challenges and threats to human rights in America and around the world, focusingon the historical connection between America’s civil rights movement and the promotion of human rights under international law, shared common challengesand a future vision that deepens the relationships among communities across borders.

Anna Spain Bradley is an associate professor of law at CUBoulder where she serves as the assistant vice provost for faculty development anddiversity. She speaks and consults on conflict resolution, decision making, diversity andinclusion, and organizational well-being.

The lecture begins at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served at 6p.m., so please arrive early for a seat!