
What's new in the SNaG Lab?


SFN success

Sir. Wafflelot
Dr. Carter established some new professional relationships during his trip to San Diego for the Society for Neuroscience annual conference. The entire SNaG lab is excited to work with Sir. Wafflelot in the future. Future research directions include, when and why do we choose to share the last bite of waffle? How do we define the diminishing marginal utility of syrup on breakfast items? 




Off to Berlin.

Post-docs Dr. Kim Fairley and Dr. Shabnam Hakimi are off to the annual meeting in Berlin, Germany. Enjoy the jelly donuts ;) 


CONGRATS Mr. & Mrs. Zietz! 

jason and libby

The SNaG lab helped Jason and Libby celebrate their amazing wedding last weekend in Lyons CO. We had a blast! Here's to you Jason & Libby! 


Kicking off the summer with big things!


The sun is shining and new things are on the horizon for many of our lab members! Congrats to Kim Fairley on her recent engagement and forthecoming wedding, Abhijit Suresh on his recent acceptance to the 蜜桃传媒破解版下载 Psychology and Neuroscience PhD program, and Danielle Farrant and Emily Valdez on their receiving of two well deserved SURF UROP grants. We are all exciting for the coming months and the great work that they will bring! 










Let the games begin! 

Post-doctoral researcher, Kim Fairley, and research assistant, Jacob Parelman, celebrate the completion of the first session of their latest study. Hooray for data! 








 Goodbye cubicles, hello lab space!

The SNaG lab got a facelift. Extra space, conference tables, and a happy little tree. What more could you ask for?

A coffee machine perhaps...


New students, new semester! 

The roads in Boulder can get pretty conjested with all of the new students moving on to campus this week. Dr. Carter rode his bike to the lab today to avoid the traffic. 







 Welcome, Heejung!

We are excited to announce that Heejung Jung will be joining the SNaG lab as a PhD candidate this Fall. Heejung will be joining us from the University of Korea, where she received her M.S. in psychology while working in the lab of Dr. Hackjin Kim.





Congratulations Kim Fairley!

Congratulations to Kim Fairley on being selected as one of only 30 individuals to attend the 2015 Shanghai Neuroeconomics Collective Summer School! 

Kim will be participating in China on a well-deserved grant for her work in behavioral and neuroeconomics. 

For more information on NCSS visit .


Exponential Growth! 

We are happy to announce that our lab has doubled in size!

Welcome to the team Shabnam Hakimi Ph.D. and Kim Fairley!







Social Neuroscience and Games Lab website now live! 

Wait no longer. The SNaG lab now has a website, complete with a list of current lab members, events, news, publications, and bonus material.



 Dr. Carter's Introductory Cognitive Psychology course, PSYC-2145, Spring 2015.

 Dr. Carter will be teaching two sections of PSYC-2145, Introductory Cognitive Psychology, this coming Spring semester. For a description of PSYC-2145,  follow  .  

Students of Dr. Carter's PSYC-2145 course can learn more by navigating to his




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