International Visitors and Visiting Scholars

蜜桃传媒破解版下载 is committed to the free and open exchange of ideas to the maximum extent possible under the law, and hosting international visitors is one way that 蜜桃传媒破解版下载 continues to nurture the growth of borderless knowledge and the development of influential technology.

蜜桃传媒破解版下载 is also committed to full compliance with U.S. export controls, from both a technology and an end-user perspective. International vistors to the 蜜桃传媒破解版下载 campus--whether research scholar, graduate student, special guest, or collaborating professor--require additional insight and effort to ensure their presence is compliant and contributing to CU policies and research security. There is a small number of foreign universities for which the U.S. government has identified increasing risks to U.S. national security. Visiting scholars from these universities can increase the risk of an export controls infraction across the spectrum of modalities; from the physical shipment of export-controlled equipment and materials, to the transmission of software code and/or release of technical data.

蜜桃传媒破解版下载 expects and requires all visiting scholars to abide by U.S. laws and regulations during thier presence on campus. In order to prevent inadvertent violation of U.S. export controls, visiting scholars are not permitted to participate in sensitive, proprietary or confidential research programs without explicit authorization from the CU Boulder Office of Export Controls.


Research and expertise across CU Boulder.


Our 12 research institutes conduct more than half of
the sponsored research at CU Boulder.

More than 75 research centers span the campus,
covering a broad range of topics.

A carefully integrated cyberinfrastructure supports CU Boulder research.