Student Announcements
- Congratulations on being approved for in-state tuition as an honorably discharged veteran. We want to thank you for your service and provide some information about the potential benefits of becoming a Colorado resident for tuition purposes.
- According to our records, you were eligible to apply for grade replacement for the following course, but didn't do so. We've applied grade replacement to this course on your behalf in order to equitably apply the temporary grade replacement policy adjustment announced in February.
- You're still on a class waitlist for 8-Wk Session 2, which begins next Wednesday, March 10, 2021. If you don't see this class on your schedule in Buff Portal, make sure the waitlist toggle is turned on.
- The following fall registration dates have been adjusted to allow time for campus experts to make recommendations for expanded classroom capacities, and for departments to adjust the fall 2021 schedule of classes accordingly.
- If you're newly eligible for grade replacement for the above course(s) under this temporary policy adjustment, we will retroactively approve your initial request(s). If approved, you'll receive a confirmation email and your previous grade will be replaced with the grade from your latest attempt in your cumulative GPA and credit totals.
- To foster diversity, equity and inclusion, CU systems allow you to indicate your gender identity, name pronunciation, preferred name, pronouns and/or sexual orientation, if you choose.
- To resolve this issue, submit an SSN/TIN update form and a copy of your SSN or TIN card to the Office of the Registrar by mail or secure document upload by 5Â p.m. on March 12, 2021.
- At this time, all incorrectly canceled class waitlists have been restored and waitlisting is now available; however, you need to set up drop if enrolled again (see below).
- At this time, all incorrectly canceled class waitlists have been restored and waitlisting is now available.
- Between 8 and 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19, a processing error resulted in the incorrect cancellation of a large number of Spring 2021 Main Campus full-semester class waitlists. According to our records, you were incorrectly removed from the following class waitlist(s).