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Fall 2019 Registration Update #2

Batch Preregistration for New Freshmen

We've completed fall batch preregistration for new freshmen, so RAPs and others will begin adjusting students' schedules this week. 

Drop/Add Access for Fall Semester

Admin users now have drop/add access again for fall. Please remember:

  • To only enroll incoming freshmen or transfers in fall undergraduate classes (or graduate students in a graduate class). Do not enroll or make schedule changes for continuing undergrad or readmitted students, as the spaces currently available are reserved for incoming students. 

  • To not submit any special action forms to enroll continuing undergrad students in undergrad classes until Aug. 10; we will not process them. 

  • That students cannot waitlist for any undergraduate classes between now and Aug. 10, and from Aug. 19 through 21. Advisors and others, including those in the registrar's office, can't waitlist those students either.

  • That only advisors, RAPS, SASC, etc., have access to override a fall enrollment appointment during the summer. This is so they can help new students with registration (see screenshot below).

  • That the Canvas module hold (R2L service indicator) will be active beginning Friday, July 5, for new freshmen who have not yet completed this requirement and admin users do not have access to override holds/service indicators.

Registration for transfers and summer-to-fall students

Just a reminder that these students will have access to fall registration again from July 8 through Aug. 21. Their fall enrollment appointments have been updated to reflect this.

New and readmitted graduate and law students

These students continue to have access to fall registration through Aug. 21.

Registration for continuing students

Just a reminder that continuing undergraduate and graduate students, as well as readmitted undergraduate students, are not able to register or make any changes to their schedule until Aug. 12–16. They've been assigned an Aug. 12–16 enrollment appointment to reflect this. Also, between now and Aug. 12, we are not running any waitlist processing to enroll students into open spaces.

Reserve Capacities

We save seats in most A&S lower-division general education classes, as well as a few engineering classes, and then release a percentage of those seats prior to each new freshman enrollment period beginning July 8.  Do not override a closed class, even if there are seats available, because they're being held for a future new freshman enrollment period. 

We reserve seats using reserve capacities (Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes).  Following are some screenshots of how this looks in Campus Solutions for illustration purposes (this is not live data in CS).

In the example below, the Enrollment Cntrl tab shows that the enrollment cap is 28 and the total students enrolled is 3. By subtracting the enrollment total from the enrollment cap, we get 25 open spaces in the class.

The Reserve Cap tab shows that 20 of those 25 open spaces are being held for future new freshman enrollment periods. That means only 5 spaces are currently available for enrollment.

A couple things to note: 

  • For classes with multiple components (e.g., a lecture with an associated recitation or lab), reserve capacities can only be entered on the lecture section (or the graded section) of the class.

  • When the number of reserved spaces (i.e., those saved for a future enrollment window) is equal to the number of available spaces, then that class's status in class search will show as closed. Also, since the reserve capacity can only be set on the lecture section (or graded section) of a multiple-component class, recitations and labs may show as open in class search, even though the lecture section shows as closed.