Certificate Requirements

COVID-19 UPDATE: In line with Ҵýƽ policy due to the COVID-19 pandemic response, any public health class listedbelow with aPass/Fail grading option during spring 2020 semester will count towards certificate completion.

Public health spans multiple disciplines and fields of study. Therefore, the structure of the undergraduate certificate in Public Health is designed to be flexible to accommodate diverse student interests.

General Requirements

The certificate requires a minimum of 22 credit hours for completion of the program of which 9 credits must be upper division.Students are responsible for identifying and completing course prerequisites prior to enrolling in certificate courses. A grade ofC-or better is required for all courses applied towards the certificate. Degree seeking students must also complete all requirements for their respective majors as well as their College core curriculum. Up to 3 credits obtained through Education Abroad Programs approved by Ҵýƽ may count towards the certificate elective requirements.

Biological Sciences: (Lower division) - 3 credits

Students participating in the certificate program must have a foundation of biological knowledge in order to understand and appreciate the concepts of health and disease. Students must takeat least oneof the following biological sciences courses:

  • EBIO 1100 (3) Biology and Society
  • EBIO 1210 (3) General Biology 1
  • MCDB 1030 (3) Introduction to Molecular Biology
  • MCDB 1150 (3) Intro to Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • CHEN 2810 (3) Biology for Engineers

Statistics: (Lower/upper division) - 3 credits

To participate in the certificate program, students must possess basic skills in quantitative reasoning to critically evaluate primary literature and understand how data are used to measure population health and disease burden, monitor intervention and screening programs and inform policy decisions. Students must takeat least oneof the following courses in statistics:

  • ANTH 4000 (4) Quantitative Methods in Anthropology
  • ECON 3818 (4) Intro to Statistics with Computer Applications
  • GEOG 3023 (4) Statistics for Geography
  • IPHY 3280 (4) Intro to Data Science and Biostatistics
  • MATH 2510 (3) Intro to Statistics
  • PSCI 2075 (3) Quantitative Research Methods
  • PSYC 2111 (4) Psychological Science I: Statistics
  • SOCY 2061 (3) Intro to Social Statistics
  • STAT 2600 (3) Intro to Data Science

Introduction to Public Health (Lower division) - 3credits

We are introducing the Foundations in Public Health course in the 2022/2023 academic year, a new introductory course in public health that will form one of the core courses of the undergraduate certificate in Public Health. This is not required for students who will graduate between Fall 2022 and Summer 2024, but will be required for the certificate for students graduating in Fall 2024 and beyond. For students graduating before Fall 2024 who would like to have this course count towards their certificate, it only counts for a lower division elective not an upper division elective. This course is required for students graduating in Fall 2024 or later.

  • GEOG 2692/IPHY 2692 (3): Foundations in Public Health

Core Courses (Upper division) - 7credits

Collectively, the core courses of the undergraduate certificate in Public Health will provide a foundational knowledge on the burden and distribution of disease and mortality around the world, the determinants of global health disparities, the development of global health policies, and the outcomes of global health interventions. Additionally, students will examine the history and uses of epidemiology, measures of disease frequency and occurrence, association and causality, analytic epidemiology, evidence-based screening and infectious disease outbreak investigations. Students must takebothof the following courses:

  • GEOG 3692 (4) Introduction to Global Public Health
  • IPHY 3490 (3) Introduction to Epidemiology

Elective Courses - 6 credits (at least 3 credits must be upper division)

Students are required to take at least one public health elective course outside of their major department. For double majors, it is only required that you take elective courses offered through two different departments (i.e. courses are not required to be outside both majors). Up to 3 credits obtained through Education Abroad Programs approved by Ҵýƽ may count towards the certificate elective requirements.NOTE: This list will continue to expand as new courses become available.

*Courses marked with an asterisk above are lower division. At least one elective taken for the certificate must be upper division.

  • EBIO 3400 (4) Microbiology
  • EBIO 3630 (4) Parasitology
  • IPHY 2420 (3) Introduction to Nutrition*
  • IPHY 3440 (3) Clinical Nutrition
  • IPHY 3590 (3) Health and Function over the Adult Lifespan
  • IPHY 4041 (3) Global Health and Disease
  • IPHY 4420 (3) Nutrition and Human Performance
  • IPHY/MCDB/EBIO 4900 (1-3): Public Health Practicum (Contact Tracing)
  • MCDB 3160 (3) Infectious Disease
  • MCDB 4150 (3)Biology of Aging and Longevity
  • MCDB 4201 (3) Bench to Bedside: The Role of Science in Medicine
  • ECON 4646 (3) Topics in Health Economics
  • ENVS 3535 (3) Health and the Built Environment
  • ENVS 4800 (3) Critical Thinking: Resilience and Healthy Cities
  • GEOG 3682 (3) Geography of International Development
  • GEOG 4002 and 4120 (3) ST: Climate Change and Health
  • GEOG 4732 (3) Population Geography
  • GEOG 4852 (3) Medical Geography
  • PSCI 4012 (3) Global Development
  • SLHS 1010 (3) Disabilities in Contemporary American Society*
  • SOCY 4007 (3) Global Human Ecology
  • WGST 3610 (3) Gender, Race, Science and Technology
  • HIST 2830 (3) Disease & Public Health in Global History*
  • HIST 4326 (3) EpidemicDisease in U.S. History
  • IPHY 4040 (3) Global Seminar: History of Medicine (London, England)
  • MUEL 3862 (3) Music and Global Health
  • PHIL 1160 (3) Introduction to Medical Ethics*
  • PHIL 3160 (3) Bioethics
  • SPAN 3080 (3) Spanish for Health Professions
  • WGST 3510 (3) Gender, Sexuality and Global Health
  • WGST/JWST 4200 (3) Religion and Reproductive Politics in the United States
  • ANTH2600 (3) Plagues and the Human Response from Past to Present*
  • ANTH 4060 (3) Nutrition and Anthropology
  • ANTH 4610 (3) Medical Anthropology
  • PSYC 3102 (3) Behavioral Genetics
  • PSYC 4263 (3) Evidence-Based Practice in Mental Health: Science and Skills
  • PSYC 4443 (3) Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
  • PSYC 4606 (3) Social Psychology of Health Promotion
  • SOCY 1022 (3) Social and Ethical Issues in U.S. Health and Medicine*
  • SOCY 3032 (3) Social Epidemiology
  • SOCY 3042 (3) Topics in Population and Health
  • SOCY 3045 (3) Sociology of Death and Dying
  • SOCY 3052 (3) Medical Sociology
  • SOCY 4052 (3) Social Inequalities in Health
  • SOCY 4062 (3) Suffering and Care in Society

Course Planning


Fall 2024

Spring 2025

Summer 2025

ANTH 4060 (3) Nutrition and AnthropologyNoYesNo
ANTH 4610 (3) Medical AnthropologyNoYesNo
EBIO 1100 (3) Biology and SocietyYesYesNo
EBIO 3400 (4) MicrobiologyYesYesNo
EBIO 3630 (4) ParasitologyNoYesNo
ECON 4646 (3) Topics in Health EconomicsNoNoNo
ENVS 3535 (3) Intermediate Environmental Problem Analysis: Topical Cornerstones - Health and the Built EnvironmentNoNoNo
ENVS 4800 (3) Capstone: Critical Thinking in Environmental Studies - Resilience and Healthy CitiesNoNoNo
GEOG/IPHY 2692 (3) Foundations in Public Health (required)YesYesYes
GEOG 3682 (3) Geography of International DevelopmentYesNoYes
GEOG 3692 (4) Introduction to Global Public Health (required)YesYesYes
GEOG 4692 (3) Climate Change and HealthNoNoNo
GEOG 4732 (3) Population GeographyNoNoNo
GEOG 4852 (3) Medical GeographyYesNoNo
HIST 4326 (3) EpidemicDisease in U.S. HistoryNoNoNo
IAFS 3000 (3) Special Topics - Global Health IssuesNoNoNo
IAFS 4500 (3) Senior Seminar - Global HealthNoNoNo
IPHY 2420 (3) Nutrition for Health and PerformanceYesYesYes
IPHY 3440 (3) Clinical NutritionYesNoNo
IPHY 3490 (3) Introduction to Epidemiology (required)YesYesYes
IPHY 4041 (3) Global Health and DiseaseNoNoNo
IPHY 4780 (3) Sleep, Circadian Rhythms and Health (formerly 3580)NoNoNo
MCDB 3160 (3) Infectious DiseaseYesYesNo
MCDB 4150 (3) Biology of Aging and LongevityNoYesNo
MCDB 4201 (3) Bench to Bedside: The Role of Science in MedicineNoNoNo
MUEL 3862 (3) Music and Global HealthYesYesNo
PHIL 1160 (3) Intro to Medical EthicsYesYesYes
PHIL 3160 (3) BioethicsYesYesYes
PSCI 4012 (3) Global DevelopmentYesYesNo
PSYC 3102 (3) Behavioral GeneticsYesYesYes
PSYC 4263 (3) Psychological Treatment: Evidence-Based ApproachNoNoNo
PSYC 4443 (3) Research Methods in Clinical PsychologyNoNoYes
PSYC 4606 (3) Social Psychology of Health PromotionNoNoNo
SLHS 1010 (3) Disabilities in Contemporary American SocietyYesYesYes
SOCY 1022 (3) Social and Ethical Issues in U.S. Health and MedicineYesYesYes
SOCY 3032 (3) Social EpidemiologyNoNoNo
SOCY 3042 (3) Topics in Population and HealthNoNoNo
SOCY 3045 (3) Sociology of Death and DyingNoNoYes
SOCY 3052 (3) Medical SociologyNoNoYes
SOCY 4007 (3) Global Human EcologyYesNoNo
SOCY 4052 (3) Social Inequalities in HealthNoNoYes
SOCY 4062 (3) Suffering and Care in SocietyYesNoNo
SPAN 3080 (3) Spanish for Health ProfessionsNoYesNo
WGST 3510 (3) Gender, Sexuality and Global HealthNoNoNo
WGST 3610 (3) Gender, Race, Science and TechnologyNoYesNo
WGST/JWST 4200 (3) Religion and Reproductive Politics in the United StatesNoYesYes

Courses that are no longer offered will still be considered an allowable course for progress towards the certificate

  • ARSC 1220 (3) Global Health Issues for the Health Professions
  • CHEM 4131 (3) The Chemistry of Global Health
  • EBIO 1030 (3) Biology: A Human Approach 1
  • EBIO 4800 (3) CT: Conservation Medicine
  • EBIO 4800 (3) CT: Ecol. and Evol. of Disease
  • IAFS 3000 (3) Special Topics: Global Health Issues
  • IPHY 2500 (1) Perspectives in Health and Medicine
  • IPHY 2800 (4): Introduction to Statistics
  • IPHY 3400 (3) Nutrition for IPHY majors
  • IPHY 3500 (2) Applied Clinical Research
  • IPHY 3580 (3) Sleep, Circadian Rhythms and Health
  • IPHY 4010 (3) Seminar: Public Health Practice
  • IPHY 4890 (3) Community Health Care (Global Seminar, summer, Costa Rica)
  • PSYC 4541 (3) ST: Clinical Intervention
  • SLHS 3014 (3) Hearing Loss Epidemiology
  • SOCY 3015 (3) Social Demography of Race and Ethnicity
  • WRTG 3020 (3) Biomedical Ethics, A Pragmatic Approach

While not required for the undergraduate certificate in Public Health, gaining educational experiences outside of the classroom is a valuable asset to any undergraduate curriculum, especially in the field of public health. Students interested in public health are strongly encouraged to explore opportunities for learning through CU Education Abroad Programs, CU in D.C., and internships offered through public health agencies and organizations. Up to 3 credits obtained through Education Abroad Programs approved by Ҵýƽ may count towards the certificate elective requirements.


  • You will fill out theMajor/minor course planning and evaluation formon the website.
  • In part 2 you'll list the course information. In the columnHow you hope the course will count, enter "as elective for Public Health certificate".
  • Indicate that you want the document to be routed to the Director of the Public Health Certificate.
  • Include the course syllabus so that we may evaluate the eligibiltity of the course.

More information on opportunities beyond the classroom.

If you would like to know whether a particular course abroad will count toward the Public Health certificate, please receive approval from the Director of the Public Health Certificate a semester before your semester abroad. You can fill out the form below:

If you took course in an institution before attending Ҵýƽ and you would like to know whether a course can count towards the Public Health certificate, please email the Director of the Public Health certificate and the Administrator of the Public Health certificate the course syllabus for approval.

If you plan on taking a course from another institution and you plan on it counting towards your certificate, please fill out the form below:

Reminder: we will only accept a maximum of 6 semester credit hours from other institutions

Petition for Courses to be Approved for PUBH Major/Minor/Certificate

The purpose of this form is to submit a course that is not currently part of the Public Health Program (be it the Major, Minor, or Certificate). This could be a new course, a transfer course from another institution, or a course that is exclusively taught as part of a Study Abroad program. If you are a student transferring into Ҵýƽ, please contact the Transfer Office.

Electives in Public Health

Students may only use three courses (up to 9 credits) from outside of the Ҵýƽ campus for the BA degree in Public Health. For the minor in Public Health, only one elective can be from an institution other than Ҵýƽ.

For a course from outside of Ҵýƽ to count as an elective for the BA in Public Health or the minor in Public Health, it must do one of the following:

  • Be counted as equivalent to a course on the current list of approved electives that are taught at Ҵýƽ. Equivalency of these courses will be done by the department that teaches that course at Ҵýƽ OR
  • Meet the following criteria:
    • Cover a topic of relevance to public health, which means that it is addressing a health outcome at the population level (not solely the individual level) and discussing determinants beyond just biological determinants (to include potentially environmental, social, political, economic, or behavioral determinants) This can be from a historical or current perspective. AND
    • Have a public health rather than a medical focus such that it is more about prevention rather than treatment of health outcomes (or if there is a treatment focus, that it addresses treatment as a means of prevention which applies in the case of infectious diseases) AND
    • Discusses health equity (including health disparities/inequalities/inequities, unequal exposures, environmental injustice, or structural violence) in some way.

Criteria for Course Approval for PUBH Major/Minor/Certificate