Dessau Group Find Clues to the Origins of High-Temperature Superconductivity

Jan. 18, 2018

PhET Interactive Simulations wins global education award

Sept. 26, 2017

Perepelitsa Portrait

Dennis Perepelitsa Named DOE Early Career Award Winner

Sept. 8, 2017

Assistant Professor Dennis Perepelitsa of the University of Colorado Boulder Physics Department will receive a five-year, $750,000 grant as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Early Career Award program, for his proposal entitled “Searching for Parton Energy Loss in Quark-Gluon Plasma Droplets.” There were 59 awards selected on peer...

National Nuclear Physics School 2017 Hosted in Boulder

Aug. 8, 2017

The University of Colorado Boulder hosted the National Nuclear Physics Summer School on campus from July 9-22, 2017. This is an annual two-week series of lectures for graduate students and postdoctoral research scientists in nuclear physics, and is funded by the National Science Foundation. Each summer the school is in...

Largest particle physics experiment in North America breaks ground

July 21, 2017

Jesse Kramer

Have endowment, will travel

July 11, 2017

Entrepreneur Jesse Kramer (Physics'78) helps physics students engage with the world through an endowed travel fund to support students presenting research at conferences.

Patricia Rankin Publishes New Paper, Explores The Relationship Between Women and the STEM Workforce

June 20, 2017

Read Paper Now A review Professor Patricia Rankin co-authored with Dr. Donna Caccamise of the Institute of Cognitive Science at Ҵýƽ was just released at the Toyko GS10 Gender Summit. This paper provides a broad review of evidence-based research, underlying theories, and interventions related to women’s representation in the...

Striving to help women feel they belong in physics

April 28, 2017

Henry Kapteyn and Margaret Murnane

Federal dollars spark aerospace, biotech, laser spin-offs

April 28, 2017

Kip Thorne gives 51st Gamow lecture at CU-Boulder April 27

April 20, 2017

View the Livestream video Kip S. Thorne, Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus at the California Institute of Technology, gave the 51 st George Gamow Memorial Lecture at Ҵýƽ on the topic of, “Probing the Warped Side of the Universe with Gravitational Waves: From the Big Bang to Black...
