Lamya'a Dawud
Postdoctoral Fellow • Lowry Laboratory
Integrative Physiology

B.A., Integrative Physiology, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado

M.S., Integrative Physiology, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado

Ph.D., Integrative Systems Biology, University of Colorado Denver, Colorado


Research Interests:

Our lab has demonstrated the stress-protective effects of immunization with M. vaccae, as measured by prevention of inescapable stress (IS)-induced increases in anxiety, conditioned fear, escape deficits, and prevention of priming of hippocampal microglia. I am also working on a project with the Rocky Mountain Veterans Affairs investigating the effects of an immunoregulatory probiotic,ÌýLactobacillus rhamnosusÌýGG on the gut microbiota, biological signatures of inflammation, and PTSD symptoms. I am specifically interested in using proteomics, metabolomics, RNA sequencing, and bioinformatics techniques to determine the neural mechanism(s) underlying stress-buffering effects of microbiome-based interventions.