Francois G. Meyer
Electrical Computer and Energy Engineering

Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Campus Box 425
Engineering Center OT 336
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309-0425

Francois Meyer graduated with Honors from Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliques, Grenoble, in 1987, with an M.S. in applied mathematics. He received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from INRIA, France, in 1993. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder.

He had previously been an Assistant Professor at Yale University, a Visiting Professor at the Institute Henri Poincaré (Paris), a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (UCLA), and a Visiting Research Scholar at Princeton University. Meyer is currently working on nonlinear parametrizations of high-dimensional biomedical data sets.

Selected Publications:

Kaslovsky, D.N., and Meyer F.G., "Noise Corruption of Empirical Mode Decomposition and its Effect on Instantaneous Frequency", Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 2 (3), pp. 373-396, 2010.

Shen X., and Meyer F.G., "Low-Dimensional Embedding of fMRI Datasets." Neuroimage, 41(3); pp. 886-902, 2008.

Meyer, F.G., and Stephens, G.J., "Locality and Low-Dimensions in the Prediction of Natural Experience from fMRI", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20, MIT Press, pp. 1001-1008, 2008.

Meyer, F.G., Shen, X., "Classification of fMRI Times Series in a Low-Dimensional Subspace with a Spatial Prior"; IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 27(1), pp. 87-98, 2008.