Startups2Students (S2S)
Are you looking for a job or internship this fall? Explore the exciting world of startups!
Hosted by theԻ Career Services,Startups2Students is a mini job fair that brings entrepreneurially-minded Ҵýƽstudents and local Front Range startups togetherwith a twist.
Get hired into one of the best startup ecosystems in the world through Startups2Students. Connect to incredible companies at our engaging recruiting events, through focused job postings, and through our ongoing content. Our goal is to help you find opportunity in the exciting world of startups.
Attend Events
Startups2Students events make it easy for you to find the right startup for you. We invite 10-15 companies to pitch themselves to you - meaning they’ll share what they do, what kind of help they need, and how to apply.
You can sit back and watch the presentations and then choose the startups that stand out to you as a great fit. We give you the chance to meet companies and follow up afterwards. Many different industries and job roles are represented at each event.
Events are typically hosted in September, January, and April.
Search startup jobs in Colorado
Hundreds of startups, venture funds, and startup accelerators post jobs and internships for Ҵýƽ students every year. You can keep track of these constantly updating roles in a couple easy steps:
- Search for new Colorado startup positions bylogging into your free Handshake account hosted through Ҵýƽ Career Services. When you are in the jobs tab, select the “Ҵýƽ Collections” from the filters and find the label “Colorado Startups” from the drop down menu.
- For ease, you can save this search by toggling the alert that says “Notify me about new jobs like this”. You can adjust your notification preferences by clicking on the “Manage notifications.” link that appears. Or, any time you want for the up to date list.
Some sample projects or positions:
- Administration and growth projects
- Business development
- Content and design
- Finance and accounting
- IT and engineering
- Operations and logistics
- Project management
- Social media, marketing, communications
Stay on Top of S2S Events!
Subscribe to the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative e-Newsletter!
Startups2Students content is shared in the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative Newsletter. Look for advice on working at startups, tips from real startup leaders and stories from founders that can help you navigate a potential future in startups.
Are You a Startup Looking for Great Talent?
10-15 companies are chosen to participate this evening and will each have three minutes to pitch their companies and positions to the students in attendance. After all companies finish their pitches, companies will network with interested students! Startups we seek for Startups2Students generally meet these criteria:
- Companies founded in the last ten years with operations in Colorado. Accelerators, fundsԻ similar supporting companies older than ten years are also invited to apply.
- All companies should be recruiting for open internships, jobsԻ/or projects to be filled this spring or summer.
- Paid and multiple available positions are preferred, but that should not stop companies from submitting interest.
Don't take it from us! Hear from past participants

"I had a lot of interest in my internship opportunities from Startups2Students. I brought on 4 attendees from the event, and one more who was referred by an attendee. The applicants were so high quality that I opened up an additional internship to accommodate them, and there were several other great applicants I couldn't take on. This is my fifth cohort of interns I've hosted as a startup, and it's been my best by far. Startups2Students is my preferred way to find interns from now on."—Rachel Kois, Founder & CEO of Simple Switch

"We decided to participate in Startups2Students in Spring 2021 because we were in need of some additional support with some technical aspects in our product development process such as prototyping, industrial design, stress testing and project management. At the event we were able to attract eight students interested in the position. Overall, the event was very successful and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a motivated student looking to find real world experience."—Alex Swaynie, CEO of Ross Snow Tech

"Gritly was extremely grateful to have participated in the Startups2Students event in the spring of 2021. We ended up hiring two interns to help with engineering development. Both have provided immense value while we have provided them with great learning experiences."—David Lopez, Co-Founder & CEO of Gritly