Photo of a student looking sullen on a bench at Farrand Field.

Tips for talking about and preventing suicide

The end of the semester can be a difficult time. Here are some tips you can use if you’re concerned that a friend, roommate or classmate may be struggling or thinking about suicide.

Photo of a student crying on the phone.

Staff and faculty: Tips for talking about suicide

The end of the semester can be a difficult time for students. Here are some tips for staff and faculty who are concerned that a student may be struggling or thinking about suicide.

Photo of a student reading quietly in a nook on campus by themselves.

Tips for navigating and coping with grief

Grief encompasses all of the ways we respond to loss of someone or something that is important to us. Here are some tips for navigating and coping with grief.

Photo of a student meeting with a mental health provider to ask questions about therapy.

Questions you should ask if you're considering therapy or meeting with a therapist

Whether you're considering therapy, looking for a therapist or currently in therapy, here are some questions you can ask to get the most out of your sessions.

Photo of a flowering tree in front of the Business building.

Mental Health Is... Finding your break

Spring break can provide us with a chance to practice self-care, find some relief and focus on ourselves. No matter what your plans are, here are some ways to take care of yourself and find your break.

Three students standing in front of a residence hall with Chip the Buffalo.

5 things everyone should know about living with roommates

Whether you’ve had roommates before or are living away from home for the first time, here are five tips for living with roommates.

Photo of a group of students sitting on a lawn with a hammock smiling and chatting together.

3 tips for better mental health in 2022

Whether 2021 represented a return to normal or another difficult year for you, here are some tips you can use to improve your mental health going into 2022.

Photo of a solemn girl sitting in Chautauqua Park looking out over the snowy mountains.

7 tips to beat the winter blues

Wintertime means sunny days shorter and less frequent, which can impact our mental health. Here are some tips to help you beat the winter blues.

Group of students sitting on the grass at Kittredge Pond smiling.

Mental Health Is... Connection

Making friends as an adult can be challenging. Here are some tips that can help you make meaningful friendships now and into the future.

Aerial view of old main on a misty morning in spring with the flatirons in the background.

Ways to support yourself and each other through a traumatic experience

Whatever you may be going through, it’s important to show yourself and others compassion as we all work to process the horrific events that took place at the Table Mesa King Soopers on Monday, Mar. 22. Here are a few things you can do to support yourself and your fellow...
