P-card: submitting receipts

Use online formto submit p-card receipts as soon as they post to Concur (you should receive a notification once you have charges in Concur, you can also view any active charges in Concur). If Robin with the FSC hasn’t received your receipts by the middle of the month, she will send you a list of your p-card charges and ask you to submit receipts.

*Contact Karen before filling out web form if you aren’t sure which speedtype to use.*

Note: receipts must be itemized (showing what was purchased). If receipt isn’t itemized (often the case with membership fees, conference registration, etc.), then you can print a screen shot from the organization website listing the amount you paid and submit that along with the receipt. If purchase was less than $25, and not food/beverage, you can upload a document listing the title of book, film, etc. instead of a receipt.

You have the option of uploading receipts into Concur, or uploading them in the online form. If you prefer to upload receipts into concur, go to , CU Resources, Concur Travel & Expense System. Under Available Expenses, you should see a prompt to “upload new receipt.” You can then upload receipts for any p-card charges you have listed in Concur. Once you upload receipt in Concur, you will still need to fill out form below to give speedtype, etc.

Instructions for filling out web form (you will submit one form for each receipt):

  • you will need to be logged into VPN to complete web form
  • Login with Identikey (top, left hand side)
  • Select GSLL’s FSC tech: Robin B.
  • Dept. Abbreviation/Org. # EBIO through LING (choose GSLL)
  • Receipt (itemized)
  • If you have uploaded the receipt in Concur, you don’t need to upload the receipt again.
  • If you haven’t uploaded the receipt in Concur, you can do this now.
  • If you don’t have receipt and item is < $25, and not food/beverage, you can upload a document listing the title of the book, film, etc.
  • Speedtype: let Karen know if you aren’t sure which speedtype to use (if Karen is out of the office, Casey can give you a speedtype to use, and we can always move the expense if necessary).
  • Food/beverage: for meals, you will need to list all people that attended, and UCB affiliation (e.g. Karen GeyserGazer, UCB faculty; McKenna Turtle, UCB student). If over 10 people attended the event, you can list approximate numbers (e.g. 15 UCB faculty, 10 UCB students). Important Note: Except for visiting guest speakers, etc. we are not allowed to spend university funds for people not affiliiated with CU. Contact Karen if you have any questions.
  • Description (e.g. books, films, membership dues, meal for visiting guest speaker, etc.).
  • Business Purpose (e.g. teaching, research, teaching and research, or expenses for visiting guest speaker, etc.). Include details in description (e.g. if research, give general topic of book/article you are doing research for; if teaching, list name or number of course).
  • Copy of form is automatically sent to Karen. If you also want a copy of form, include your email address in form.