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Parking on Campus?

Here is how Parking has agreed to handle FacMan vehicles on sidewalks:

  • Vehicles that need to load/unload on the sidewalk will need to have their flashers on and will need to relocate to a service space when they are done.
  • Do not block ADA access, Fire Lanes, around blind corners, or other pathways.
  • We will treat the sidewalk where they are parked as a 15-minute loading zone.
  • Enforcement will follow the normal chalking and ticketing procedure when they find these vehicles.
  • Drivers do not need to contact Customer Service for their 15 minute load/unload.
  • If you do receive a ticket while following the procedures above, please contact Parking at 303-735-PARK (7275) or Parking@colorado.edu and ask them to review your case.
  • This only applies to CU FacMan logo'd vehicles. Contractors need to continue to get sidewalk access approval through their FacMan project manager who will then coordinate with Kate in Parking.