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Statement for Peace

Because the Department of Ethnic Studies and our faculty, staff, and students find ourselves under attack for the statement we had previously shared on our website, we are removing the statement because we do not wish anyone in our community to feel unsafe. As scholars and academics, we remain committed to our research and teaching mission: /ethnicstudies/about-us/our-mission

We will continue to center and challenge the oppression of those who are marginalized, including scholars, students, and community members here in Colorado and around the world. We as a department are staunchly against and Islamophobia in all forms. We condemn the rising incidents of harm and harassment toward Jewish, Muslim, and Arab, specifically Palestinian, peoples.

This removal should in no way be seen as a lack of commitment to our mission statement. We support the work on the ground to educate and empower all of us still learning the nuances of this unfolding situation by organizations and . Finally, we are aware that as scholars, many of whom identify as non-white, that our critiques of power are often under attack. We condemn the intersectional oppression and attacks that our community is facing for exercising our academic freedom.