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Meeting Minutes 10/11/21

  1. Call to Order   


  1. Roll Call

    1. Present: Teagan, Tania, Suvu, Jemil, Bailey, Allie, Josh, Cole, Inji, Shubham, Anuja (tardy), Aneesh (tardy), Ornella

    2. Excused: Taylor

    3. Absent: 


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Please welcome our new GPSG liaison, Shubham!

    2. Acting Secretary: Aneesh 

      1. Secretaries, please remember to send out the meeting minutes 24 hours after every meeting with a quick summary of what we discussed included in the email.

    3. First Appeal, Nepalese Student Association “Cultural Talent Show, ” November 13th, 2021, 5:30 - 9:00 PM

  1. Notes (from 10/04 meeting)

    1. Program Council speaker system is no longer needed. 

      1. They can use the Glenn Miller house system. 

        1. Don’t need the Program Council audio system. 

      2. They will have help from Program Council with lighting. 

      3. $42 on two microphones vs. $400 on audio system for Program Council. 

    2. Food is really important because it will help with attendance. 

      1. Because of the pandemic, people don’t want to go to events.

        1. Food will encourage people to come to the event. 

        2. It’s okay if we don’t have the entire quote. Cost will be cut by around $200 (still awaiting the new quote).

          1. Planning on removing the cookies and coffee. Only having fruit platter and hot chai. 

    3. The talent show is culturally based and the color gold is important. 

      1. They would like a gold banner or gold confetti. 

      2. Candles, lights, and lots of colors are part of Nepali culture. 

      3. Helps to sell the event. 

      4. New list is more culturally relevant. 

    4. New Glenn Miller quote. 

      1. $281.00

      2. Adding round tables so people can sit in a group and not as much a lecture style format. Encourages people and different groups to get to know each other. 

        1. Adds about $100.00 more. 

    5. They will have a proper spreadsheet at a later date and the proper quotes. 

      1. They are in a time crunch right now.

  2. Notes

    1. Original Budget

      1. Advertising - $360.69 - $140.00

      2. Program Council - $1,145.00 - $1,145.00

      3. UMC AV equipment - $139.10 - $139.10

      4. Glen Miller rental- $291.05 - $291.05

      5. Decoration - $329.00 - $0.00

      6. Food (UMC) - $737.27 - $0.00 

    2. Appealed Budget

      1. Advertising - $360.69 - $140.00

      2. UMC AV equipment - $42.00 - $42.00

      3. Glen Miller Rental - $281.96 - $281.96

      4. Decorations - $186.93 - $186.93

        1. For your banner, is it for this event specifically (has the name of the event) or for general use?

          1. Must have the name of the event on it (not necessarily the year)

        2. Floating Lotuses - Can’t have real-fire candles.We will fund $20 and communicate the no fire policy - $17.99 

        3. Rangoli powder cannot be used on the floor directly, must use some form of material to prevent floor damage.

      5. Costumes - $813.73 - $813.73

        1. Can’t ask for costumes next year.

      6. Food (UMC) - $594.50 - $594.50

    3. Revised Total: $2,279.81 -  $2,279.81

  3. Discussion

    1. Decorations:

      1. For your banner, is it for this event specifically (has the name of the event) or for general use?

        1. Must have the name of the event on it (not necessarily the year)

      2. Floating Lotuses - Can’t have real-fire candles.We will fund $20 and communicate the no fire policy - $17.99 

      3. Rangoli powder cannot be used on the floor directly, must use some form of material to prevent floor damage.

    2. Costumes:

      1. Can’t ask for costumes for next year.

  4. Motion to grant NSA’s appeal and fund $2,279.81 for their event “Cultural Talent Show.”

    1. 4 - 0 - 1

    2. Motion passes.

  1. DSB - help with Alex Honnold event

    1. November 1st 

  1. Old Business

    1. Liaison Assignments

      1. South Asian Student Association

        1. Anuja and Ornella

          1. Funding meeting is done

      2. Nepalese Student Association

        1. Maya and Teagan 

          1. Finished their appeal

          2. Need to schedule spending meeting

      3. CU Catalan Club

        1. Jemil and Bailey 

          1. Meeting planned - need to decide on date

    2. Second Funding Cycle

      1. South Asian Student Association “Step Up CU,” December 4th, 2021

        1. Updates: 

          1. Funding meeting done

      2. Nepalese Student Association “Cultural Talent Show,” November 13th, 2021 5:30 - 9:00 PM

        1. Updates:

          1. Continuing with the appeals process

      3. CU Catalan Club “Making Traditional Catalan Panellets,” November 5th, 2021

        1. Updates: 

          1. We have a meeting scheduled for 10/14 at 12:00 to discuss finances with Jamey


  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Absent

    2. Leg Council

      1. Leg Council is on strike

        1. Women of Color feel like their voices and opinions are being misrepresented and cast aside

        2. CUSG presidents have changed the Chancellor’s agreements

          1. Admins can remove elected officers when there is conflict

          2. Admin can step in on impeachment hearings

        3. CEB can contact leg council exec committee directly for ratification processes during the strike

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. No updates

    4. GPSG Liaison

      1. No updates 

    5. Finance Board Liaison

      1. Rec centre is not allowing Spring reservations till Nov 15th (Keep in mind for groups asking for funding).

    6. Marketing Coordinator

      1. TBD

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Absent

    8. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Funding Application from CU Gaming…

        1. Will discuss when it comes up

      2. Retreat: Paintball won (Democracy!)

        1. Maya has a lot of coupons so this is convenient 

        2. Sunday October 24th (not overnight) ~9am

      3. To do:

        1. Email PC (CC Tania and Jemil) about tribute video and email contact 

        2. UMC room reservation

        3. Talk to Maya about retreat and paintball 

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. TBD

    10. Webmaster

      1. No updates 

    11. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. No Updates

    12. Secretary/Historian

      1. TBD

    13. Chair

      1. Email Leg President about ratifications

      2. Contact PC film coordinator (and possibly BSA for advertising) about EM Tribute video.

        1. CC Tania and Jemil on the email

      3. In the process of talking to UMC people about food regulations for cultural events

        1. They seem to be ready to compromise

      4. Ratifications for budgetary members have been temporarily delayed

      5. 1-on-1s 

        1. Teagan: 

          1. Tuesday: 3:00pm-5:00pm

          2. Wednesday: After 1:30 p.m.

          3. Thursday: 4:00-5:00 p.m. 

          4. Friday: 1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. 

        2. Bailey:

          1. Tuesday: Before 11:30 am, after 4 pm

          2. Wednesday: After 7 pm

          3. Thursday: Before 11 am, after 4 pm

        3. Maya:

        4. Ornella:

          1. Monday: 3pm-5pm

          2. Tuesday: 3pm-5pm

          3. Wednesday: 3pm-5pm

          4. Thursday: 9am-11am

          5. Friday: 5pm-8pm

        5. Aneesh:

          1. Monday: 4pm-midnight

          2. Tuesday: 12pm-6pm

          3. Wednesday: 5pm-9pm

          4. Thursday: All day (10 am onwards preferable)

          5. Friday: 5pm-9pm

        6. Allie:

          1. Monday: 12pm-2:30pm

          2. Wednesday: 12pm-2:30pm

          3. Friday: 11:30am-1:30pm

        7. Taylor 

          1. Tuesday: 4pm-6pm

          2. Thursday: 4pm-5pm

          3. Friday: 12pm-2pm

        8. Cole 

          1. Monday: 3pm -5pm

          2. Wednesday 2pm - 7pm

          3. Thursday 4pm - 6pm

          4. Friday 12pm-9pm

        9. Josh

          1. Monday: 10:00-1:30pm

          2. Tuesday: 12:30-1:00pm

          3. Wed: after 5:30 pm

          4. Thurs: 9:00-11:00am,  after 5pm

          5. Fri: 10:00 - 1:30 pm, after 5pm

  2. Adjourn

    1. 7:53 PM