Published: Jan. 28, 2019


Monday, January 28th, 2019

6:00 PM. in the DSCC - UMC 457

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Mavjuda, Chidera. Maddie, Jemil, Julisa, Jessica, Xarly, Christina, Christina, Helen, Nora, Ashley, Skylar

Proxies: Ashley, Sowmya, Ashley


Absent: Mitul, Niko, Nickey, Victor

  1. Fun Activity :)

  1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!

  1. Open Hearing

  1. Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of the Agenda

  1. New Business

    1. Introductions

    2. SASA - Update Budget (ERIN)

      1. Last week approved: discrepancy in budget and line items in meeting.

      2. Move to amend budget to: $6,587.76

        1. $378.50 less than what was originally approved.

        2. Motion passes 7-0-1

      3. Revised Line Items:

        1. Marketing: $230 (lots of line items)

        2. Program Council: $2400

        3. Change in DJ - originally $2000, now $400

        4. Change in food & beverages - originally $8500, now requesting $2500

        5. Services: $30 (henna)

        6. Ballroom Rental: $627.76

        7. Decorations: $400

    3. Fifth Funding Cycle

      1. Reminders:

        1. Read through the budgets to ensure you are asking all of the questions you have while the student organization is with us.

        2. Think critically about each budget as we will have some tough decisions to make.

      2. 6:15pm - VeRVE Collisionz “12th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 20th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Jemil and Hayden

        1. Notes

          1. Sagun Sharma & Aabriti Shrestha

          2. Student run street dance crew

            1. Desire to build a community through hip hop, want to unify CU with dance

          3. 12th annual street dance competition

          4. Glenn Miller Ballroom, UMC; April 20th, 2019 at 7pm

          5. Str8jacket is a dance company based out of the Bay Area and promote grit

            1. Believes every should person should grow as a dancer. They remove potential barriers in performance

            2. Inclusive rate of $9,000

              1. 15-20 dancers

          6. Cultural Significance

            1. Lack of hip hop culture in Boulder

            2. Combining the 5 elements (dance, DJ, MC, graffiti, and knowledge)

            3. Gives an outlet to the community

            4. Promotes diversity at Ҵýƽ

            5. 50% of VeRVE is non-White

            6. Frankilin Cruz

              1. Queer Latin Poet

            7. Rodney Hooks

              1. Colorado based photography and videographer

              2. Cannot fund

          7. Lowered their usual cost by $6,000

          8. 2 workshops during the day at 10:00

            1. All in Glenn Miller

        2. Funding:

          1. Facility Rental - $940

          2. Performers/Speakers

            1. MC - $400

            2. Str8jacket - $9,000

          3. Videographer - $150

          4. Advertising - $300

          5. Security - $620

          6. Parking - $100

          7. Food - $300

          8. Props/Costumes (Staff T-Shirts) - $550

          9. Production - $1,950

        3. Questions

          1. Who is the parking for?

            1. Parking is for the leadership team because they will have to transport the dance crew team

            2. Transportation of materials

            3. For 2 cars, for easier access

          2. What are the food baskets for?

            1. Usually before the dancers begin their performance they have baskets of protein bars and energy drinks and is important to be courteous to the guests.

          3. How will you improve this event from your previous events?

            1. There was a problem with one of the judges due to lack of involvement, there will judges dedicated to the event. 3 judges from Str8jacket that are professionals and will be invested.

          4. How long will the performer be performing for?

            1. The event will be until 10:00-10:30

            2. Performance for Str8jacket will perform for 5-8 minutes

            3. Two dance teams performing in which Str8jacket will judge, and Str8jacket will be the ending performance

            4. Str8jacket is teaching a workshop throughout the day

          5. If CEB was to deny Str8jacket, who would be your second performer?

            1. No second option out of state, many groups were asking for $15,000, which they realized was too much money

            2. They would get a larger group in Denver, will most likely be same price as Str8jacket

            3. Want VeRVE to send a document of other groups and prices

          6. With another potential event happening during this time, how will you ensure students attend your event?

            1. Advertising through posters, and apparel. People know of them, they have a reputation.

            2. Can advertise in the Dance School

        4. Move to approve VeRVE Collisionz for cultural relevance

          1. Vote passes 10-0-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. VeRVE is culturally relevant due to the exhibition of the hip hop culture on campus which showcases the five aspects of hip hop.

        6. Questions for them

          1. Who would you choose as your second performer should your first performer be denied?

      3. 6:30pm - African Student Association “Tour of Africa” April 20th @ Lower Rec - Nora and Helen

        1. Notes

          1. Organization that helps the Boulder community by expressing and providing traditions and heritage

            1. Helps African students of Boulder feel safe and find a place where they can celebrate their culture

            2. Place for students who are of African descent

            3. Focus on issues that pertain to Africa and give an opportunity to connect on the different cultures through music, art, anf fashion

            4. Open to all students

          2. Alazar - VP, Hala - President

          3. Tour of Africa

            1. Talk about differences within the countries

            2. Want to expand on culture through dance, food, and arts and current events

            3. Representation of what students have been doing throughout the entire year

            4. Lasts 5-10pm

        2. Funding:

          1. Facility (Lower Gym) - $230

          2. Operating Supplies (Program Council) - $8,500

          3. Audio/Visual - $2,640.12

          4. Food - $7,650

          5. Performers (DJ and MC) - $800

          6. Advertising - $500

          7. Photographer and Henna Artist - $550

          8. Props and Costumes - $50

        3. Questions

          1. How vital is food for this event?

            1. Food is a large aspect of the culture, and is important to show.

            2. Diverse amount of foods from Africa, important to showcase that there are many different cultures in Africa

          2. How/When will you be serving the food?

            1. Food is served in the beginning, has shown in the past that it takes too long in the middle

            2. Band plays as people eat

          3. How much will the food portions be?

            1. Food will be a buffet style

            2. Cater for approximately 400 people

            3. Smaller portion meals so people can taste the food

            4. People will be serving the food

          4. How do you ensure students stay after food?

            1. People typically stay after the food because people often come for the performances and there are programs for the event

          5. How much does your photographer cost? (We need to remove it from the cost of the henna because CEB cannot fund for photographers)

            1. Against bylaws to fund photographer

            2. Henna will be $200

              1. Same two people for 2 years

          6. What are some ways your organization hopes to improve this event from last year?

            1. Further diversify the event, showcase more cultures

              1. Lots of East African cultures, so they want to teach themselves from other cultures and depict their culture

            2. Also make sure there is a view from each seating spot.

          7. Can you provide us with the rundown of the event?

            1. 5-6 food

            2. Spoken Word and singing plus performances and videos, with a continuous mixture

            3. Can be a fashion show

            4. Dance with the audience

          8. With another potential event happening during this time, how will you ensure students attend your event?

          9. Is it possible to change either the time or date of the event, so it doesn’t occur during the same time as another potential event?

            1. They can change it

            2. They have had a high turnout for last year even though there was another event scheduled the same time.

          10. How will you ensure student turn out?

            1. Lots of advertising. There is a marketing team so they will be reaching out and getting people interested.

            2. Strong social media team

            3. Want to make invites personal, will go to other organizations and advertise

          11. Why did the budget come in late?

            1. Deadline snuck up, wanted to finalize the entire event before having the budget turned in

            2. Wanted to check with all members

          12. What are updates on Program Council with prices?

            1. ASA needs to send remained and update of prices

        4. Move to approve African Student Association for cultural relevance

          1. Motion passes 12-0-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. African Student Association emphasizes African history and culture through art, fashion, food, and dance.

        6. Questions for them

          1. Can you please send invoices for the costs not yet received i.e. the bleachers?

      4. 6:45pm - Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week” April 8th-12th @ UMC, Norlin Quad, Norlin Fountains, & Kitt - Chidera and Sowmya

        1. Notes

          1. 2 Presidents, and 2 VPs

          2. Want to celebrate Sikh culture from April 8th-April 10th

            1. Religious holiday on Sunday

            2. They want to provide a party to celebrate culture

        2. Funding:

          1. Operating Supplies (Turbans) - $3,000

          2. Advertising - $2,130

          3. Advertising? (Paper Programs/Event Tickets/Prayer Prints) - $700

          4. Operating supplies (Scissors) - $15

          5. Food - $1,450

          6. Performers:

            1. Bhai Sahib (Priest) - $700

            2. DJ - $2,500

            3. Speaker + Airfare - $8,000

          7. Props/Costumes

            1. Kirtan Instruments - $800

            2. Chaadhar - $45

            3. Headscarves - $1,160

            4. Photobooth - $275

          8. Production (Movie Night) - $750

        3. Questions

          1. Are the chaadhars being reused from Langar?

            1. Getting a chaadhar for a speaker

          2. How relevant is food for this event?

            1. Very important, hoping to cook snack foods at home and people will be reimbursed.

          3. Who will be receiving this food? The performers or the students attending the event?

            1. Students will be receiving food

          4. Is there a way to find a DJ that is not as expensive? The usual rates for DJ’s average out to about $800 or less.

            1. DJ MR is a $1000 less - second option

            2. DJ is performing for one day, 7-12pm

          5. What is the $750 needed for the movie night? What cost is this covering?

            1. The cost is for Program Council cost

            2. Purchase rights to screen the movie

          6. Are the headscarves being reused for Langar? If so, why do you need more money to fund these headscarves?

            1. Majority of head scarfs ran out at the last event

          7. What are the turbans for?

            1. New turbans are being used because they are showing people how to put them on, and then they get to keep them

            2. Supposed to provide for 1000 people

            3. Allow people to be

          8. Can you provide us with the run down of this event day by day?

            1. On April 8th

              1. There will be a Turban education

              2. Prayer night

            2. April 9th

              1. Movie Night with Sikh movie

              2. Main character want to balance culture and values in modern day

            3. Friday, April 10th

              1. Flying people out

              2. First man to wear a turban in army coming

                1. $8,000

              3. Three Speakers coming including one above

                1. Q&A

                2. Perhaps have a panel amongst three individual costs

              4. Open dance floor to enjoy the culture

                1. Performances from dancers

          9. How are you maintaining interest and how did you plan the event?

            1. Condensed in three days with Friday being the most flamboyant day

          10. How long will the speaker speak?

            1. 30 minutes

          11. Are you bringing a religious figure?

            1. Yes, religious figure will be there to facilitate

          12. With this event happening at the same time as CWA, how will you ensure students participate in this event?

          13. Why was the budget late?

            1. The budget was late because it was difficult to meet with the speakers and receive a cost

          14. Did you confirm spaces during the week?

            1. There are some available spaces

              1. Space available for Turban Time

              2. Space available for Prayer night

              3. Movie Night is planned in Math 100

              4. Requesting Glenn Miller for Friday night

              5. They are flexible with time and they can change the date to the next week

          15. Can you send an updated spreadsheet with costs? Confirm traveling costs.

            1. Waiting for invoices to confirm spaces

          16. $1700 for flyers, is this accurate?

            1. Want individual flyers for each event.

          17. Would you be okay with one poster for the week?

            1. Yes, they can do that

          18. Are students allowed to walk into the events?

            1. They are requesting money for tickets, they want to do a count of students attending the event

            2. There is access to free tickets to keep track

        4. Move to approve Sikh Student Association for cultural relevance

          1. Motion passes 12-0-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. The Sikh Student Association is culturally relevant because of the education of Sikh values, traditions, and customs their event will provide to the Ҵýƽ campus.

        6. Questions for them

          1. Can you please provide us with a confirmed location for your event?

          2. If two of your days were denied, which day would you prefer CEB to fund and what items/amounts would that cover?

      5. 7:00pm - CU Comedy Club “Speaker” April 19th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Skylar and Jessica

        1. Notes

          1. Lucas - President of CU Comedy Club

          2. Open to anyone who wants to perform or watch people perform comedy

          3. Bringing either 2 speakers

            1. Current request is for Tig (most expensive of the two)

              1. Part of LGBTQ+ community

            2. Reached out to speakers to find availability and costs

            3. “Represents” Diversity

            4. Tig - $30,000 estimate

              1. Hour of comedy

              2. 20-30 minutes of Q&A

              3. Price also fulfills traveling

            5. Harry’s fee will be around $20,000

            6. Working with UMC to reserve Glenn Miller

              1. Holds up to 1000

              2. Need a room for performer to set up

              3. 7-8:30

            7. Catering for $800

            8. Advertising for $800

        2. Funding:

          1. Speaker - $30,000 or $23,000

          2. Advertising - $800

          3. Security - $1,000

          4. Glenn Miller - $794.00

        3. Questions

          1. If CEB chooses to fund this event, the event will be a collaboration between CU Comedy Club and CEB since the speaker funds exceed $10,000. Is this something your organization comfortable with?

            1. Comfortable with a collab and want to put on best event possible.

          2. In the budget you submitted, does this include the fee for Glenn Miller?

            1. Yes, but Glenn Miller is free, the price shown is for lights, sound, and security.

            2. Set up charges for labor

            3. ***Reach out to Program Council for event

            4. Might require 2-4 LAPD officers

          3. How will you be paying for operational costs such as stage/lighting?

          4. If the Board chooses to not fund the speaker, is there another speaker you would like to bring?

            1. Wants there to be name recognition in order to fill the UMC

        4. Move to approve CU Comedy Club for cultural relevance

          1. Motion 12-0-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. The CU Comedy Club is culturally relevant due to their choice of comedians who address challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community or representation of an underrepresented group on campus.

        6. Questions for them

          1. If both comedians are denied by CEB, who would be your third choice for a comedian, in reference to a smaller price?

      6. 7:15pm - SKY @ Ҵýƽ “SKY Campus Happiness Program Retreat” April 12th-14th @ UMC 245 - Victor and Mavjuda

        1. Notes

          1. Doni, Ajed, Ahmed

          2. Three pillars are leadership, life skills, and service

          3. Want to help students live a stress free life with teaching medication

            1. Wants to integrate students in different cultures

          4. Last event in October 2018 said the event was life changing, and that people have found new families here

            1. People share testaments on how SKY makes them feel - enriched

          5. Not only about meditation but want to instill a sense of belonging on campus, especially with collaborating with other students groups like Hiking Club

          6. Offer another course in April

            1. Reserving seats for staff and Board members

        2. Funding:

          1. Advertising - $300

          2. Services - Workshop fee for 50 students - $3.500

          3. Instructors Airfare + Ground transportation - $600

          4. Food - $800

        3. Questions

          1. How will you be advertising this to all students on campus?

            1. Lots of social media, with instagram and facebook. Planning to print flyers for the courses

            2. Budget is $300 for advertising

            3. Free meditation course in which they will be advertising

            4. Using buffconnect

            5. Talking to other clubs to collaborate

          2. How will you ensure this event is open to all students?

            1. Open to all students, especially through advertising

          3. How does this event fill a cultural void on our campus?

            1. Group has a diverse amount of people

            2. Try to fill void through their service projects

              1. They try to make people smile

              2. Build a kinder, friendlier campus

            3. Reaching out to everyone

          4. How many people do you expect to attend this retreat?

            1. Expect 50

          5. How many students can the workshop accommodate (just the 50)?

            1. Restriction to 50 students due to lack of space, can do event with more than 50 students

            2. Free

          6. Will students have to commit to all 3 days to participate?

            1. Students have to commit to 3 days Friday Evening - Sunday Afternoon

              1. Students cannot jump in on the 2nd or 3rd day

          7. Do the instructors have lodging/honorariums?

            1. Instructor has lodging, will be in home

              1. Another instructor will be in this home

          8. Can you provide us with the run down of the event for both days?

            1. Meditation

          9. Is there a fee that needs to be accommodated for the UMC 245?

            1. Not sure if they have booked it yet, waiting for numbers

          10. With another event happening that same day, would your organization feel comfortable moving the date of your event?

          11. How will you select those people?

            1. 30 people in the club

              1. Only 10-15 have already done this

            2. Will select on an application process, people are not typically rejected

        4. Move to approve SKY @ Ҵýƽ for cultural relevance

          1. Motion fails 0-12-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. SKY @ Ҵýƽ is culturally relevant due to the emphasis on mental health within their club atmosphere and their dedication to help support students.

        6. Questions for them

      7. 7:30pm - Tau Psi Omega “Speaker” April 29th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Chidera and Jemil

        1. Notes

        2. Funding:

          1. Speaker - $50,000

          2. Airfare - $4,000

          3. Facility Rental - $1,000

        3. Questions

          1. If CEB chooses to fund this event, the event will be a collaboration between CU Comedy Club and CEB since the speaker funds exceed $10,000. Is this something your organization comfortable with?

          2. If CEB did not fund you for this speaker, who would be your second option?

          3. With the date of the event close to finals week, would you be open to choosing another date for your event?

          4. Would you feel comfortable if this event was moved to the Macky Auditorium?

          5. Can you provide us with the schedule of your event?

        4. Move to approve Tau Psi Omega for cultural relevance

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

        6. Questions for them

        7. Move to bundle CEB Cultural Relevance and Budgetary Decision for Tau Psi Omega for next Monday

          1. Motion passes 10-0-1

      8. 7:45pm - Creative Writing Association “Poetry Month Performer Series” April 4th @ Club 156 - Sowmya and Skylar

        1. Notes

          1. Poetry Month Reading Series Proposal

          2. CWA

            1. Established literary program with a view to cultural diversity and encounters

            2. Membership to all

          3. 2 events in April

            1. Dodd & Danez Smith at Club 156

              1. Reading poetry of marginality

              2. Have been recognized as finalists and winners in writing competitions

            2. Space already reserved

            3. Jay Dodd

              1. Black Trans Femme from LA

          4. Why CU?

            1. Importance of diversity and confronting transphobia

        2. Funding:

          1. Performer -

            1. Jay Dodd - $2,500

            2. Danez Smith - $6,500

          2. Advertising - $100

          3. Airfare - $306

          4. Hotel/Lodging - $474

          5. Facility Rental - $100

        3. Questions

          1. Can you please provide us with a detailed schedule of the event?

            1. To clarify: Will both performers be performing on 4/4 and 4/11?

              1. Performers will be split over the course of the month, one of the 4th and one on 25th

            2. How long will the performers perform?

              1. 1 hour

          2. How would you rank the importance of both of your speakers?

            1. Jay Dodd is important for diversity

          3. How/where will you advertise your event?

            1. Built support in English Department and on Campus

          4. Why did you choose Club 156?

            1. Liked the small intimate setting.

        4. Move to approve Creative Writing Association for cultural relevance

          1. Motion passes 12-0-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. Creative Writing Association is culturally relevant due to the focus on trans individuals to support and enlighten the LGBTQ+ and Ҵýƽ community through the art of poetry.

        6. Questions for them

          1. Could you please finalize which dates you would like to use for the day of your event?

      9. 8:00pm - Persian Student Organization Norouz” April 5th @ Williams Village Dining Center - Jessica and Julisa

        1. Noteso

          1. Tara presenting

          2. U.S. & Iran relationship not stable currently

            1. Side effect is tension between different people

          3. Persian New Year

            1. Will help separate people from politics and will bring a fresh perspective from the Boulder community

        2. Funding:

          1. Advertising - $500

          2. Facility Rental - $4,460

          3. Security - $1,000

          4. Props/Costumes - $1,520.08

          5. Food - $3,600

          6. Hotel/Lodging - $1,410

          7. Performers/Speakers - $8,950

          8. Airfare - $2,500

        3. Questions

          1. How will you increase student presence?

            1. Will be purposeful in advertising and target audience.

          2. Where is the Location?

            1. Will Vill which has not been shown as successful in the past and will advertise heavily in Will Vill

          3. Who are the performers coming?

            1. A comedian and dancing group.

          4. How relevant is food for this event?

            1. Food is important culturally to the event, can get rid, but would affect attendance

          5. How big will your portions be?

            1. Light refreshments, drinks and cookies

          6. Is it necessary to have 5 dancers at the event/Is it a fixed cost or more per person?

            1. Still working on numbers and will look.

          7. Can you provide us with the schedule of the event?

            1. Still structuring the event, open in early afternoon and end at 9, 10 at the latest

            2. Typically open room at 6 and will introduce the event

            3. Dancers will go up first

            4. Activities

            5. Comedian will close show out

          8. Are you charging community members?

            1. Yes.

          9. How will you improve your event from previous years?

            1. Time management

            2. Student presence

            3. Will improve with advertising

          10. With another potential event happening the same day, how will you ensure a student presence at your event? Would you be open to changing the date of your event?

            1. Will do more advertising for the event

        4. Move to approve Persian Student Organization for cultural relevance

          1. Motion passeses 12-0-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. Persian Student Organization is culturally relevant because of their expression of Persian culture identity through the use of comedy and dance.

        6. Questions for them

          1. What are some strategies your organization has to enlarge the student to community ratio at your event?

      10. 8:15pm - Graduate Musicology Society “Haitian-Creole Music and Culture with Speakers” April 19th @ Old Main Chapel and Koenig Alumni Center - Hayden and Helen

        1. Notes

          1. Aims to enrich the lives of students and community by promoting creative activities, performances, research and scholarship in music

          2. Every Year

            1. 4 professional development workshops

            2. 1 guest lecturer

            3. 1 cultural performance

          3. Leyla McCalla: From Haiti to New Orleans

            1. Haitian ancestry

            2. Musician Activist

            3. Haitian-Creole as a “language of resistance”

            4. 2019 Album - Capitalist Blues

              1. Talks about the emotional and physical effects of living in a capitalist society

              2. Incorporates activist education in her music

            5. Diversity, Inclusion, and Representation

              1. Increase in student’s awareness of cultural diversity

              2. Engage students in experimental learning through a workshop

              3. Food from a New Orleans restaurant locally

        2. Funding:

          1. Performers/Speakers

            1. Leyla McCalla - $15,000

            2. Jayme Stone - $1,000

          2. Facility - $2,000

          3. Food - $3,500

          4. Advertising - $500

          5. Rental Car - $400

        3. Questions

          1. How important is food for you event?

            1. Crucial

          2. Since the speaker is above $10,000, this would be a collaboration with CEB, is this okay with you?

            1. CEB would be more a part of marketing, and more involved in the process of planning.

            2. High cost due to caretaker for bringing her newborn twins

          3. With another potential event happening the same night of this event, how will you ensure student presence for your event?

            1. Advertising as best they can

            2. They advertise in the Colorado Daily, Posters, and partnership with School of Music

          4. How will you improve this event from the events your organization has held in previous years?

            1. Last year the Spring event did not have enough food and there were complained about

          5. How does this event fill a cultural void on campus?

            1. Speaks to minority groups on campus

          6. What is the importance of the second speaker you would like to bring to the event?

            1. Jamey Stone is in Colorado, international known composer and performer, arranged contact with Leyla

              1. Great facilitator and would help the show in the collaboration

              2. Featured as a performer and as a speaker in the workshop setting

            2. If CEB was not to fund Leyla, what would be your second option?

              1. No one else available in April

        4. Move to approve Graduate Musicology Society for cultural relevance

          1. Motion passes 12-0-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. Graduate Musicology Society is culturally relevant due to its focus in advocacy through music and attention brought to Haitian-Creole culture.

        6. Questions for them

          1. Is the second speaker holistically needed for the success of your event?

          2. How are you getting your food from Loveland delivered here or what is the processing of transportation?

      11. 8:30pm - Students for Sensible Drug Policy “2019 Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium” April 17th @ Wolf Law - Victor and Christina R.

        1. Notes

          1. One chapter or international student led organization

          2. Helping students get into the world of drug policy

            1. Want to help people instead of harm them with policy

            2. Supports drug goals regarding addiction and reduce in use

            3. Help people in education of drugs

          3. Have done a Narcan training on campus to help with heroin overdose to save lives

          4. Want people to walk away more informed on drugs and drug use

        2. Funding:

          1. Advertising - $350

          2. Performers/Speakers

            1. Speaker 1 - $200

            2. Speaker 2 - $200

            3. Speaker 3 - $200

            4. Speaker 4 - $200

            5. Per Diem - $100

          3. Airfare - $500

          4. Ground transportation - $70

          5. Hotel/Lodging - $250

          6. Parking - $225

          7. Supplies - $210

        3. Questions

          1. Can you speak more about your speakers?

            1. Michelle Alexander a racial justice advocate and published author

            2. Mars specializes in historical drug use and how it connects to modern day practices

          2. How will you be advertising this event to students on campus?

            1. Advertising

            2. Posters on campus

          3. How will you improve this symposium compared to last years?

            1. Expand focuses and break aways for groups discussion and interaction to engage students and community

          4. Do you have a tentative day-of schedule?

            1. We would start with lectures and phase into interactive work

            2. 5-6 things scheduled in linear fashion

          5. How does this event fill a cultural void on campus?

            1. All speakers are female and minority

          6. Have you reached out to any of your speakers and do you have them confirmed?

            1. Yes, they all are booked.

          7. Can you book a larger venue?

            1. Wolf Law is second largest compared to Glenn Miller, and Glenn Miller is booked for the entire month.

        4. Move to approve Students for Sensible Drug Policy for cultural relevance

          1. Motion passes 11-1-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. Students for Sensible Drug Policy is culturally relevant due to the attention of intersectionality marginalized groups and drug policy.

        6. Questions for them

          1. Could you please provide us with a quotes for all keynote speakers as well as the prices?

      12. 8:45pm - International Festival Committee “IFest” April 14th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Ashley and Jemil

        1. Notes

          1. International Festival held every year

            1. 30th year

            2. Biggest student run event

            3. 5000-6000 people

            4. Won best event of 2018

            5. Large amount of diversity and culture

            6. Cultural booth & performances

            7. Cultural Booth

              1. Informational Posters

              2. Food

                1. Food story

              3. Interactive Activity

            8. Progress

              1. Recruitment

                1. Interest meeting

              2. Logo and Branding

              3. Drafts for poster

            9. Want to improve participation from visitors

            10. Increased number of student visitors - 68%

            11. Now - March 2019

              1. Graphics and Advertising

        2. Funding:

          1. Security - $775

          2. Food - $19,500

          3. Parking - $200

          4. Facility Rental - $1,200

          5. Production (Program Council) - $2,700

          6. Gifts/Awards - Prizes and Wristbands - $700

          7. Advertising - $4,200

          8. Performers - $700

          9. Photo Booth - $500

          10. Miscellaneous funds - $800

          11. T-Shirts for event staff - $400

        3. Questions

          1. How important is food for this event?

            1. Important to attract student population without food

            2. Just samples

              1. Will help student participation at booths

            3. Food is an important part of culture

            4. Decrease in food budget by $1,000

          2. How important is parking for this event?

            1. Important

            2. People drive their own cars and paying for parking may inhibit participation from the booths (providers and performers)

          3. What will the wristbands be used for and how much is that out of the total of $700 not including the prizes?

            1. Travel bracelets (like passports) and get stamps for participation and after amounts of participation they may receive a gift

          4. Are booths outside student orgs?

            1. Yes, student orgs and individuals who want to showcase their culture.

          5. Who are the performers and how will they be chosen?

            1. They applied.

            2. Professional performers are 3

          6. What are some ways you will improve from your event from last year?

            1. Crowd control

              1. Revisit options for entertaining people in lines

          7. What is included in the miscellaneous funds?

            1. Sometimes there is a need for additional money

          8. Can you talk about how you will use outside entertainment groups to draw people in?

            1. Typically, get two student groups to perform

        4. Move to approve International Festival Committee for cultural relevance

          1. Motion passes 12-0-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. International Festival Committee is culturally relevant due to its representation of many groups on campus pertaining information of history, traditions, and food.

        6. Questions for them

      13. 9:30pm - CHEMunity “A Night with Marie Curie” April 4th @ Old Main Chapel - Liaison- Nickey and Ashley

        1. Notes

          1. Ben - President

          2. Graduate organization to provide support and community to Chem enthusiasts

          3. Performance of a profound woman scientist in the world

            1. Received two nobel prizes

            2. Never allowed to become a professor since she was a woman

            3. Discovered radiation

          4. Chemistry has been on campus since 1877

          5. Ҵýƽ traditionally has not historically discriminated against gender

          6. Host in Old Main since first building in campus

          7. Side project is the faculty sponsor in a Chemistry sorority

        2. Funding:

          1. Performers/Speakers - $1,250

          2. Advertising - $150

          3. Production - $200

        3. Questions

          1. Do you know how you will set up artifacts for the event?

            1. Have ideas with pictures of the buildings and the first female professor at CU

          2. Can you please provide us with a detailed schedule of the event?

            1. The event will be open at 5:30, event will start at 6:00

            2. Event is free

            3. Show is 2 hours with an intermission (15)

            4. Want to have people have tickets beforehand

            5. Adjustments in time are open

          3. How/where will you advertise your event?

            1. Want to advertise with posters and want to get STEM Academy involved for the community, important to get youth inspired, especially young women in STEM.

          4. With another potential event happening during this time, how will you ensure students attend to your event?

            1. Checked to make sure there was no other event, nothing major, and checked the general Chemistry exam schedule, make sure its advertised well and early.

          5. Part of CEB’s mission statement is to fill voids on campus, how do you do this?

            1. Want to represent women in STEM and illustrates the hurdles women in science had to confront in order to be make way in science community.

        4. Move to approve CHEMunity for cultural relevance

          1. Motion passes 11-1-1

        5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

          1. CHEMunity is culturally relevant due to its attention to honoring and empowering women in STEM.

        6. Questions for them

          1. How can you focus on advertising to students on the Ҵýƽ campus?

  1. 9:45pm - Middle Eastern Student Association “Multicultural Fashion Show” April 5th @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Liaisons- Julisa and Christina F.

    1. Notes

      1. Want to raise awareness of Middle Eastern culture and traditions on Ҵýƽ Campus

      2. Do not have invoices just yet, but will soon

    2. Funding:

      1. Advertising - $412

      2. Production - $1,100

      3. Facility Rental - $800

      4. Food - $3,000

      5. Performers

        1. Speaker/MC - $2,000

        2. Performances - $300

        3. DJ - $250

      6. Security - $200

      7. Photo Booth - $2,000

      8. Gifts/Awards/Prizes - $100

    3. Questions

      1. How important is food for this event and how will you be distributing it?

        1. Food is necessary because people will learn about Middle Eastern culture through food, and it will be distributed by people.

      2. How is this event different than the MESA fashion show in the fall?

        1. It is different from the fashion in the show is the incorporation of fashion in countries all around the world. Gives an opportunity for allies

      3. With another potential event happening the same day, how will you ensure a student presence at your event? Would you be open to changing the date of your event?

        1. Different means of marketing such as social media, flyers around campus. First meeting was successful with groups participating in show.

      4. Which countries are represented in the fashion show?

        1. Countries in Africa and the Middle East. Are also open for individuals who would like to showcase culture.

      5. Can you talk about changing the title from Hijab Fashion Show to Multicultural Fashion Show?

        1. Wanted to be more inclusive of other cultures since not all countries adorn the hijab.

    4. Move to approve Middle Eastern Student Association for cultural relevance

      1. Motion passes 9-2-1

    5. Cultural Relevance Statement:

      1. Middle Eastern Student Association is culturally relevant due to an emphasis of multiculturalism in showing different fashion throughout different countries in the world.

    6. Questions for them

      1. Why are women only portrayed throughout this fashion show?

      2. What are changes you can possibly make to further distinguish the fall fashion show from the multicultural fashion show?

        1. What are powerful messages you want to share that you can incorporate in the show?

        2. What is the goal of the show and how can you translate that?

      3. Would you perhaps want a change in title, maybe “Women Around the World”?

  2. MAASU

    1. National Organization celebrating Asian unity, especially Asian Americans at CU. Gives people an opportunity for people to share their stories

    2. Not entirely open to all Ҵýƽ students, students must pay to be part of the organization

    3. Off campus in a hotel

    4. Happening in March

    5. Motion to Discuss Funding of MAASU

      1. Great big event that will be successful

      2. Unsure where fees would go

      3. Possibility to do a CEB Cultural Scholarship for students to attend?

        1. Can we reach out to Asian organizations on campus for possibility to support them going for travel money

      4. $120,000 over budgeted, lack money to give students on campus for their events that would tap more of Ҵýƽ community

    6. Motion to entertaining giving a budget to MAASU

      1. Motion fails 5-6-2

April 2019












CHEMunity (6-8:30, Old Main)

Creative Writing Association (7-10, Club 156)


MESA (6-10, Ballroom)

PSO (6-10, Village Center)









Creative Writing Association (7-10, Club 156)



SKY (6:30-10, UMC 245)


SKY (10-3:30, UMC 245)


SKY(10-3:30, UMC 245)

IFest (3-7, Ballroom & UMC 235)




SSDP (10-8, Wolf Law)



Grad Musicology Soc (6-8:30, Old Main)

CU Comedy Club (7-9, Ballroom)


ASA (5:30-10:30, Lower Rec)

VeRVE Collisionz (7-10, Ballroom)










Tau Psi Omega (7-9, Ballroom)


(Christina R: For reference, I made this calendar so that we know when events are happening.)

Thank you :)

  1. Old Business

    1. Third Funding Cycle

      1. Breakin Club “Rockers Rumble” - Saturday, February 2nd 11:00am-11:00pm Glenn Miller Ballroom - Sowmya and Victor

        1. Update: Refer to email about the vendor information. Need to discuss it.

        2. Vendors are

          1. Break Free World

            1. Want to administer arts educational programs for community that utilize hip hop as a vehicle for change

        3. Booth Operators

          1. Moy Rivas

          2. Anthony Silva

          3. Jeremy Pena

        4. They are selling gear from organization such as key chains, watches, hats

        5. Present at 10am-10pm

        6. Payment will be cash

        7. Contact:

        8. Why do they want vendors at the event?

          1. Want to support business

        9. Motion to approve Breakin Club for Vendors @ Rocker’s Rumble

          1. Motion fails 1-10-1

      2. Chinese Students and Scholars Association “Chinese Lunar New Year” - February 16th @ Lower Gym at 4:30pm-7pm - Christina F. and Ashley

        1. Update: The time of event changed without consultation or even being informed

        2. The changed the day without contacting CEB because of a mistake on the behalf of another person

        3. Bill for Program Council was received

        4. Received day of the event, but all in Chinese

          1. Requesting day of event in English

      3. Vietnamese Student Association “VSA Lunar New Year Show” Feb. 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm - Jessica and Xarly

        1. Update: Nothing new, everything is going swimmingly and they are planning to table soon!

      4. Ҵýƽ Asian Studies Graduate Association “CUBASGA Conference” February 15th Norlin Library 5th Floor: British and Irish Room Norlin Library -16th @ Hellems 247 & 252 - Niko and Jemil

        1. Update: No updates

      5. Sigma Psi Zeta “Culture Shock” Feb. 16th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 7pm- Skylar and Isabelle

        1. Update: Poster was sent, they made changes

        2. They will be going live soon, not sure when

        3. Auditions went well for the event

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. Nepalese Student Association (NSA) “Nepal Night” March 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm- Hayden and Christina R.

        1. Update: Had funding meeting with Jamey

      2. Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlán (MEXA) “Semana de la Muxer” March 11th-15th @ Multiple venues/times - Xarly and Julisa

        1. Update: Nada tostada

  2. Officer Reports

  1. Advisor


    2. Finance Board meeting tomorrow to ask for additional funds for CEB

      1. No fun balance, no savings

      2. 10% should be allocated in savings

      3. One time increase to hopefully fund a few more organizations

      4. Increase in budget of $40,000, $25,000 increase in Student org budget

        1. Cuts are still required

    3. SOR Request

    4. CUSG Budget Process

      1. 4 different hearings for allocation for budget

      2. Highly recommend attending if interested in Chair position since it showcases fiscal responsibilities of Chair

  2. Leg Council

    1. Meet Maddie!

    2. The Tri-Executives have started talking about an Active Harmer Safety training for student employees of the cost centers- and it has already been discussed and budgeted for next August. Would love to know what you guys think!

  3. CUSG Liaison

Hey everyone! I’m sorry I couldn’t be here tonight. I wanted to remind you all to RSVP for CU’s annual Women’s Leadership Symposium!!! It will be a day full of empowerment and inspiration and I strongly encourage all of you to go! It’s from 8:30-4pm but you definitely do not have to attend for the whole day- feel free to pick and choose keynotes and breakout sessions that interest you. Here is the link to register: /cisc/wls

Also, I wanted to thank you all again for giving me feedback on your advising experience. I shared all of it with the committee and they were really sad to hear it. Much of it was incorporated into the Recommendations Document we’ll be submitting to the Provost in February.

Thank you for all the incredible work you all do and I hope you have a great week :)

  1. Webmaster

    1. Nickey not present

    2. Working a lot on the website!

  2. Social Media Coordinator

    1. Last CEB meeting for me (720)-629-6060 and

    2. Need new Social Media Coordinator

    3. I’m flexible enough to help power orient the new SMC

    4. If you ever need my services feel free to text/email/FB/IG/Snap/Whatsapp/Smoke Signal/Telegraph/Pigeon Message me (I got a new job over at PCDP in the CASE Building so stop by!):

      1. CEB Lyft

      2. Digital Ad-Blitizes

      3. Anything else

  3. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. No updates!

    1. 2 people have applied

    2. 2 people who applied last semester

  4. Speakers Coordinator

    1. VD is confirmed for April 4th event alongside DSB (CONTRACTING)

    2. Meeting with DSB on a more continuous basis to see how both boards can collab and work efficiently together to put on a successful event

      1. Meeting this Wednesday 9-10am

    3. Addressing some concerns regarding “transparency”

      1. Nora clarified information in emails

      2. Financially beneficial to collab

      3. Started with 63 speakers in 10 categories outlying past 5 years

        1. Then looked at in terms of desire and schedules


      5. Every speaker brought was based off a topic that was previously discussed

      6. More productive use of time to search out topics rather than specific speakers, instead of putting on programs and documentaries

      7. Ironically, similar conversations happen no matter which method of choosing speakers we use

        1. Using topics and speakers is a way to compromise and work interactively

  5. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

    1. I need movie suggestions for our upcoming speakers this Spring! Hoping to do 1-2 campus showing(s) in March.

      1. Dark Girls

      2. Widows

  6. Marketing Coordinator

    1. I’ve been working on Spring retreat!

      1. February 17th (Sunday) from 10 AM to 2:30 PM, group activity from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

        1. Potentially in the CASE building

      2. Tentative schedule

      3. Tentative activity:

      4. If you would like to present something or conduct an activity at retreat (you don’t have to be an officer!), please let me know ASAP!

    2. New member recruitment

      1. As you go around campus, make sure to bring our recruitment posters forward if they’re covered up or have some posters with you to put up

        1. Jessica, Julisa, Xarly, Nora, Christina R., Christina F., Skylar, Ashley, and Nickey have signed up

        2. If your name isn’t listed above, try to find time to table-- this is our last week

        3. If you’re not able to table, poster around campus. You can still help out with recruitment that way

      2. Make sure to let people you know that we’re recruiting as well


      3. Reminders

        1. Applications close on Sunday, February 3 at midnight

        2. Part of next meeting (2/4) will be used to go over applications as a board

        3. Interviews will be during the February 11 meeting

  7. Secretary/Historian

    1. Sunshine faces!!! I will be sending out a Office Schedule for each person to fill out their schedules out.

  8. Chair

    1. Presentations page

    2. Mission Statement Doodle Poll:

  1. Adjourn

    1. 11:12

Board Contact Information

  1. Ashley - (720)-345-2583 - Budgetary

  2. Xarly - (720)-629-6060 - Budgetary

  3. Christina R. - (719)-439-8356 - Budgetary

  4. Mavjuda - (720)-308-4027 - Budgetary

  5. Mitul - (720)-300-9771

  6. Nora - (303)-968-4716- Budgetary

  7. Sowmya - (201)-367-8289

  8. Chidera - (720)-364-0652 - Budgetary

  9. Hayden - (720)-254-2368 - Budgetary

  10. Helen - (650)-759-5756 - Budgetary

  11. Isabelle - (505)-414-3631

  12. Julisa - (720)-401-2625

  13. Nickey - (720)-519-6851

  14. Niko - (303)-564-3760

  15. Skylar - (719)-291-0520- Budgetary

  16. Victor - (719)-290-0886

  17. Jessica - (720)-999-1656

  18. Jemil - (720)-589-7638

  19. Christina F. - (630)- 624-1789

  20. Erin - (970)-397-9461 - Advisor

Hi, Sunshine Faces!

Great job on Monday’s meeting! Everyone did such a wonderful job. The following message is quite long, but please keep in mind that I just condensed 26 pages of notes into 1 ½. For your convenience, everything such as deadlines and important information is bolded.

Let us have a strong and warm welcome for Maddie and Christina! We are so excited to have both of them and know that they will add to the CEB dynamic fundamentally. In addition, Xarly’s last day was Monday. He will be dearly missed. Here is Xarly’s contact information to continue friendship and talking: (720)-629-6060 and

Updates with officers:

  • Nickey is continuing to work on the website. Thank you for the hard work.

  • There are 2 new applicants, yay! Great job tabling those who have been present.

  • VD is now signing a contract for April 4th for the collaboration with DSB

    • Meeting with DSB on a more continuous basis to see how both boards can collab and work efficiently together to put on a successful event

      • Meeting this Wednesday 9-10am

    • Addressing some concerns regarding “transparency”

      • Please respond to emails when necessary. It is important part of participation and is respectful for each of the people who work hard for the good of CEB.

  • Please let Nora know if they are any documentaries we would like to show on campus for TB or VD.

    • Right now, we are considering Dark Girls and Widows

  • Our Spring Retreat is coming up! Please request work off and prepare to spend the day with CEB

    • February 17th (Sunday) from 10 AM to 2:30 PM, group activity from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

      • Potentially in the CASE building

      • Tentative schedule

      • Tentative activity:

      • If any member would like to present at the retreat, please let Christina know ASAP!

  • New member recruitment

    • Good job tabling this week! Keep it up until Friday! Also, put posters up around campus to advertise.

      • Specific thanks to Jessica, Julisa, Xarly, Nora, Christina R., Christina F., Skylar, Ashley, and Nickey


  • Reminders

    • Applications close on Sunday, February 3 at midnight

    • Part of next meeting (2/4) will be used to go over applications as a board

      • Interviews will be during the February 11 meeting

Below is an Office Schedule for each person to fill their schedules out. I have allocated 3 weeks for people to finalize their schedules. I would really appreciate if you would all select a time for CEB. It is required that people allocate 30 minutes each week.

In addition, here is the link to Presentations. We will not start presentations until February 11th of this semester. Presentations page .

We are looking to revamp the CEB Mission Statement, as we have has it for over 7 years. Ҵýƽ campus has changed and grown in that time and we want to change a focus on cultural voids (which is not accurate since groups are on campus, just not visible) to bridge the gap of cultural knowledge.

  • If interested to contribute, please fill out the doodle poll right here.

For organization purposes, here is the organizations and each of the liaisons, with dates and times. In addition, Christina R. was so kind and made a calendar to help everyone. Below is the list and calendar. Thank you, Christina!

  • VeRVE Collisionz “12th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 20th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Jemil and Hayden

  • African Student Association “Tour of Africa” April 20th @ Lower Rec - Nora and Helen

  • Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week” April 8th-12th @ UMC, Norlin Quad, Norlin Fountains, & Kitt - Chidera and Sowmya

  • CU Comedy Club “Speaker” April 19th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Skylar and Jessica

  • SKY @ Ҵýƽ “SKY Campus Happiness Program Retreat” April 12th-14th @ UMC 245 - Victor and Mavjuda

  • Tau Psi Omega “Speaker” April 29th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Chidera and Jemil

  • Creative Writing Association “Poetry Month Performer Series” April 4th @ Club 156 - Sowmya and Skylar

  • Persian Student Organization Norouz” April 5th @ Williams Village Dining Center - Jessica and Julisa

  • Graduate Musicology Society “Haitian-Creole Music and Culture with Speakers” April 19th @ Old Main Chapel and Koenig Alumni Center - Hayden and Helen

  • Students for Sensible Drug Policy “2019 Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium” April 17th @ Wolf Law - Victor and Christina R.

  • Students for Sensible Drug Policy “2019 Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium” April 17th @ Wolf Law - Victor and Christina R.

  • 8:45pm - International Festival Committee “IFest” April 14th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Ashley and Jemil

  • CHEMunity “A Night with Marie Curie” April 4th @ Old Main Chapel - Liaison- Nickey and Ashley

  • Middle Eastern Student Association “Multicultural Fashion Show” April 5th @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Liaisons- Julisa and Christina F.

Thank you for your time and patience. I hope you each have a wonderful week!


Hayden Johnson