Section I. Eligibility

All Voting Members who have attended a 4 full semesters at the University of Colorado Boulder (sophomore standing), have attended at least 80% of the events hosted by the Black Student Alliance (not including general meetings), and have maintained at least a 2.5 grade point average are eligible to hold office in Black Student Alliance. All members nominated for an office position must attend one of three offered officer-training meetings to be held before May 1st. . There are no limits to the number of terms an officer may serve.

Section II. Nomination Procedure

Nominations may be made by any of the membership. Candidates for office may nominate themselves. Nominations will be accepted at least one month prior to Election Day and must be presented to officer team, advisor(s), previous officers and/or faculty and staff.Ìý

Section III. Election Procedure

Election of new officers will be held in the first two weeks of April each academic year. Proof of candidate’s eligibility must be submitted to officer team prior to Election Day. Voting membership will elect candidates by a majority vote. In the case of a draw the officer team will elect a candidate by a two-thirds vote.ÌýThere must be at least two Co-President positions up for running during each election and new term.

Section IV. Appointments

Should an office other than the Presidency become vacant, appointing a Voting Member who meets the eligibility requirements as stated in Article IX. Section I. of this constitution may fill the vacancy. An appointment is made by a three-fourths vote of the officer team.

Section V. Term of Office

Terms of office are one academic year durations beginning one month following elections.ÌýOfficers are required to participate with the CU Lead Certificate program to certify them as an officer in good standing with Black Student Alliance. If an officer fails to complete the program during the fall semester, they will be up for removal from office.