Clubs focused on natural science departments
The clubs below help you connect with faculty, alumni and majors indepartments in the natural sciences.
Seeks to encourage and support underrepresented groups, with an emphasis onwomen, to be active in the mathematical sciences and to promote a culture that fosters equal treatment of all students and faculty at Ҵýƽ.
Get to know faculty, staff and students interested in the biological sciences. Programs and events promoteawareness of career opportunities and graduate studies in biology.
Open to students of all majors,the Chem and Biochem Club promotes critical thinking and scientific exploration through chemistry-oriented events and career development opportunities like workshops for resume-building or graduate school applications.
Improves the culture of physics at Ҵýƽ through equity and inclusion, allyshipand education by organizing classes, talks and mentorship program.
Interested in space? CU STARs (Science, Technology and Astronomy Recruits) offers training on the telescopes at Sommers Bausch Observatory, portable telescopes and “flying” at Fiske Planetarium. They also hold eventsand also takean inflatable planetarium toschools all over Colorado.
A peer-based, graduate student group for support of and advocacy for LGBTQ+ issues in the geosciences.
Join movie and game nights, orienteering, hikingand volunteering focused onpromotinggeography and geographical thinking.
The independent, student-run Geology Social Misconduct Awareness and Response Team (GeoSMART) guidesstudents experiencing harassment, discriminationand assault through the process of best utilizing campus resources.
Make connections with IPHY students, professionals and faculty by connecting outside of the classroom.
A seminar-style gathering centered on undergraduatesmeeting math faculty. Events offer undergraduates opportunities to meet national thought leaders in the field.
A great way to network with neurosciencestudents, form study groups, visit with faculty and engage with compelling speakersin a relaxed setting.
The neuroscience honors society, Nu Rho Psi recognizes student scholarship, connects students, facultyand professionals and promotes career development.
The psychology honors society,Psi Chi offers opportunities to meetpeers, network, grow your knowledge about psychologyand find research and volunteer opportunities.
Strives to support and improve the mental health of psychology undergraduates and friends through social events focused on positivity and advice for healthy living.
Promotes interactions between applied math students and faculty through technical presentations by students, facultyand industry speakers, field trips and student-faculty social events.
Get hands-on experience restoringprairies,build new trails that cause reduced environmental impacts andmonitor restoration efforts.
Join acommunity of graduate and undergraduate students, post-docs and faculty working to support the inclusion, participationand success of women and gender minorities in the physics department at Ҵýƽ and around the world.