Project Description

We will experiment with using a Volterra ink dispenser to draw circuit traces directly onto a circuit board and explore the performance limitations of instant circuit generation. The end goal will be to see how complex a functioning circuit we can create using conductive ink and an X-Y printer head and then solder resistors, capacitors and IC packages directly to the substrate with printed traces. The challenges will be related to how much resistance we can tolerate in a trace, how to make vias to the bottom ground plane and how to build cross overs on the top layer.ÌýUsing a silver based ink, we should be able to solder IC package leads and build some functional circuits, all by direct printing.

Eric Bogatin

Special Requirements

A student candidate should have taken ECEN 2250 and be excited building circuits. This project will involve some circuit design, but mostly working with the computer that controls the Volterra printer, building functioning circuits and testing them out. Some experience with solder is useful but not essential.
